Annual PTS Used Book Sale - 2007 Edition

Each year, the Stewardship and Mission Committee here at Princeton Theological Seminary organizes a used book sale, the proceeds of which go to benefit seminaries around the world. Check out the official PTS press release about this year’s sale.

Anyway, the book sale is one of the highlights of my year. The prices are great, and, the PTS community gets a special ‘preview’ of the goods. What that means is, before the used book dealers show up, all we students get to snatch up the best volumes. I only bought one or two volumes my first year here at PTS. Last year I picked up three or four. But, this year was different. While I didn’t go nearly as crazy as some of my colleagues, who were eagerly filling boxes with God knows what little gems they were finding, I did score a nice batch. Here they are in the order that they were stacked when I paid for them:
  • Hans Kung, The Church
  • Gerhard Ebeling, Luther: An introduction to his thought
  • Paul Althaus, The Theology of Martin Luther
  • Hans Kung, Christianity: Essence, History, and Future
  • Ludwig Feuerbach, The Essence of Christianity
  • Christopher Elwood, Calvin for Armchair Theologians
  • St. Augustine, City of God
  • Timothy Renick, Aquinas for Armchair Theologians
  • Max Thurian (ed), Ecumentical Perspectives on Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry
  • Max Thurian (ed), Churches Respond to BEM, vol. 2

As you can see, it was a Roman Catholic theology, Lutheran theology, and generally ecumenical theology haul for me. But, that’s fine with me. In fact, I’m quite excited about the two volumes dealing with BEM. These titles have been added to my online library catalog at LibraryThing, a great service that I recommend to you all. So, go browse my library and post in the comments here to let me know what you think of my library in general or of this particular set of books.

Also, my wife, a kindergarten teacher, scored a nice haul of childrens’ books as well. The book sale has everything from theology to biblical studies to history to childrens’ books to fiction and literature, etc. If you are in the area and like to score cheap used books, come check it out. Maybe you’ll see me doing further rummaging in the days to come.

UPDATE: I swung through the sale again on this beautiful Tuesday morning and picked up the following two gems:
  • William Lazareth, Growing Together in Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry: A study Guide
  • Richard Jungkuntz, The Gospel of Baptism
  • Paul Empie and James McCord (eds), Marburg Revisited: A Reexamination of Lutheran and Reformed Traditions


a. steward said…
Gerhard Ebeling's book on Luther is fantastastic. The style of its presentation was really the interesting thing to me - it was more like he was channeling Luther than reporting on him, like Dylan and Guthrie.

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