Celebrate 5000 downloads for The McKrakenCast!
Those of you, gentle readers, who have been here before will undoubtedly be aware that I have a small podcasting venture, entitled— The McKrakenCast . It is a modest venture, but I enjoy having an outlet for the spoken word in addition to the written word. I’m pleased to share with you that The McKrakenCast has now surpassed 5000 downloads! I know this isn’t a particularly large number in the grand scheme of things, but I’m rather proud of this modest milestone. So, in honor of the day, I wanted to share with you two lists—first, a top 5 from the podcast’s first 5k downloads; second, a top 5 “podcaster’s choice” deep cuts from the podcast’s catalog. Top 5 Episodes Part 1 - Scots Confession, History & Theology Barth's "Göttingen Dogmatics" - Introduction Barth's "Göttingen Dogmatics" - §1: The Word of God as the Problem of Dogmatics Karl Barth: Spiritual Writings - A conversation with the editors Barth's "Göttingen Dogmatics" ...