The Eye of the Storm - Ceasing Transmission

The First (annual?) Karl Barth Blog Conference is over. The second annual Barth Conference at Princeton Theological Seminary begins this afternoon. In the mean time, my wife and I are going to hear our friend, who is in town for the Barth conference, preach up at a church where he and I did field education together.

I am sorry to report that I will not be able to post regarding the Barth conference. My time is going to be taken up by organizational matters and attending the conference, and my wife and I are leaving for vacation shortly after the conference concludes. This will be the last post here at DET for a number of weeks. It pains me to have to undertake a period of blog silence so quickly on the heels of the traffic boost that the Barth Blog Conference gave me, but that is just how things are. I do hope that my new readers will not despair at my absence. Add DET to your aggregator (Google Reader is, I find, very nice), and keep a weather eye open for my return.

Until then,



Enjoy your time off! Thanks for all that you do.

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