DET Status Update

I have returned home to Princeton NJ after spending a week on Prince Edward Island (Canada), a very long weekend on Cape Cod (Massachusetts), and another very long weekend in Wheaton Illinois (the first trip that my wife and I have taken to the old alma mater). The different facets of the trip had different pleasures and discomforts, but we had fun and I was able to recover from the strain of the Barth Blog Conference and the Second Annual Barth Conference here at PTS.

In any case, I start French tomorrow and I am not excited about it. That, along with some other projects, will keep me very busy until September. But, I have a lot of content stored up, so you can look forward to regular and frequent posting. That regular and frequent posting will resume on the coming Monday, July 23rd. So, mark your calendars.

Until then, I’m trying to sort through my RSS feeder!


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