Announcing the Second Annual Karl Barth Blog Conference

It is my distinct pleasure to announce that a second Karl Barth Blog Conference is in the works here at DET, to be held in the early weeks of June, 2008.

The first conference was, at least by my standards, a resounding success. A number of people from within and without the blogging community came together to write two weeks worth of posts on chapters from Barth’s Protestant Theology in the Nineteenth Century, site stats indicated that there were many people dropping by to spend considerable amounts of time reading the material, and – best of all – some of those readers left comments. My hope is that the 2008 conference will generate even more discussion.

The topic for the conference will be Eberhard Jüngel’s God’s Being is in Becoming: The Trinitarian Being of God in the Theology of Karl Barth. The projected schedule is as follows:

  • Day 1 – “Introduction,” by WTM; with an introductory discussion entitled "And Never the Twain Shall Meet...: Theology Meets Philosophy in Jüngel's Work," by Jon Mackenzie.

  • Day 2 – “The Passion of God: Some Questions for Jungel on Divine Suffering,” by Scott Jackson; Response by Matthew Bruce.

  • Day 3 – “A Still Greater Historicity: Hegel, Jüngel, and the Historicization of God's Being,” by Halden Doerge; Response by Adam Steward.

  • Day 4 – “Minor Premise: Incipient Theological Ethics in God's Being is in Becoming,” James Cubie; Reponse by Shane Wilkins.

  • Day 5 – “God's Objectivity: Revelation as Sacrament in Jüngel's 'God's Being is in Becoming'” by Thomas Adams; Response by Chris TerryNelson.

  • Day 6 – “Demythologizing the Divide between Barth and Bultmann: Jüngel's Gottes Sein ist im Werden as an Attempt toward a Rapprochement between Karl and Rudolf,” by David Congdon; Response by Luke.

Call for Papers

As you can see from the projected schedule above, there remain a number of opportunities for official participation. There is one plenary post slot still available – please e-mail me with proposals (derevth at gmail dot com). In addition to the plenary posts, I would like to have official respondents. These respondents will be given early access to the plenary post in question so that they can prepare a response, which will be posted beneath the plenary material. This is intended as a kickoff to further engagement in the comments. If you are interested in one of these slots, please let me know in the comments of this thread. An official response should be 500-1000 words.


Hi Travis,
I'll gladly sign up to respond to Thomas Adams.
Shane said…
I'll respond to James Cubie.

Anonymous said…
I've sent you an email with a proposal for the empty slot.
Thanks to Shane and Chris for signing up as responders. Halden has submitted a proposal for the available plenary post slot. I'll give the rest of you a couple of days to do the same.
Jon said…
I'd love to be involved. I've just written my dissertation on the relationship between philosophy and theology in Jungel's work.


Send me an e-mail. (derevth at gmail dot com)
a. steward said…
I'd be glad to respond to Halden.
You got it, Adam.

Only one slot remains - I still need a respondent for David Congdon! Any takers?
Anonymous said…
Travis, I'd happily respond to David's post, but since I'm offering a paper as well I imagine you'll want to wait and see if anyone else will come forward
Indeed, Halden, but I'll keep you as a back-up in case no one is forthcoming.
Anonymous said…
If there still and empty slot, I would like to offer a paper entitled "The relationship between Being and God in God's Being is in Becoming".
If it is not possible, please tell me how may I be involved.

Thanks for your interest! I'm afraid there are no more slots available for plenary posts, but if you are dead set on being involved in one way or the other, I could still use a respondent to David Congdon on the last day.
Anonymous said…
All right, I will respond to David Congdon.
a. steward said…
Great, thanks Travis.
Alright! All the slots are filled.

Luke and Adam, please e-mail me (derevth at gmail dot com) so that I have your e-mail addresses on file.

Finally, for those who have no signed up for an official slot, remember that you will still be able to participate by leaving comments. I hope you will read Jungel's volume over the next few months and engage with the various post here come June.
ruthdemitroff said…
What exactly is a blog conference? Where do I find the details about the 2nd Annual Karl Barth Blog Conference? Would one add it to the Google Reader feed?
A blog conference, at least as practiced in my corner of the theo-blogosphere, is when a blogger organizes a number of posts from a number of authors on a theme, and posts them in a way that lends itself to comparison with an academic conference. For a concrete example, see the first annual Karl Barth conference.

The second annual Karl Barth conference will take place here at DET in about 10 days or so. Feel free to add this blog to you feeder or to stop by the old fashioned way.

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