Happenings at PTS

(1) There is a new review up on the Center for Barth Studies website of Donald Wood’s Barth’s Theology of Interpretation (Ashgate, 2007).

(2) The Center for Barth Studies website also has the full schedule for the 2008 Barth conference posted, along with a link to online registration.

(3) PTS has partnered with Microsoft “to digitize a large number of materials in the public domain from the collection of the Seminary library.” I’m very excited about this, as it will make many excellent theological resources widely available to pastors and students across the world. Way to go PTS!


Anonymous said…
Are you able tell me where I can purchase Wood's book? I enjoyed the review and it doesn't appear to be available on Amazon.

Thanks, Mark.
Amazon and Ashgate both have it available.

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