Another Academic Year Dawns at PTS, but…

I will be participating today in the beginning of my 5th year here at PTS. When I was thinking about writing this post a few weeks ago, I began reflecting on what I might say about my experience here at PTS and the prospect of going into my last academic year of course work. But, then my son Connor decided that he wanted to be born two weeks early, and got my wife and I out of bed far too early last Wednesday morning. For anyone who might be wondering, we haven’t really gotten back since! All in all, being a dad is fun and exciting. It does, however, significantly diminish one’s willingness to put in the long hours reading, writing, and thinking that the academic year demands…

So, another academic year dawns here at PTS, but it is far from the first thing on my mind in the morning.


Anonymous said…
I hear you completely regarding what kids do to the dissertation process and so forth. My focus dramatically shifted in 2005 when we had our first son. I have not published since then either. Now I have to write the whole dissertation now before it's too late. Which I guess begs the question of why I am reading blogs this morning...
Thanks, Drew and Ben.

Ben, I saw you walking on campus earlier today but did not have a chance to stop and welcome you to town. A few of us need to hit the pub together sometime soon.
Luke said…
Finally you publish a picture. I thougth you were older.

Connor is very nice. What is the name of the mother??

Don't worry about your academic works. You will manage to do it.

Congratulations again for Connor!!
Thanks, Sergi! I'm older than I look...
Nora wants to hang out with Connor again, whenever he's in the mood. ;-)
Anonymous said…
Congratulations, Travis! May the real training begin . . . Fatherhood is quite the classroom ;-).

Interestingly when we had our first I was in school, and it seemed that my focus sharpened out of necessity---it was either sink or swim, and by God's grace it was swim :-). I know you will continue to prosper as a Dad and student---God's grace is indeed sufficient!

Anonymous said…
changing poopy diapers will make you a better theologian. i'm quite serious about that.
Darren said…
Congratulations, Travis!

Let the analogies to God as the patient father flow. The tiny little fingers are almost as paradigm-shifting to one's theology as the mind-liquifying screaming.
Unknown said…
Congrats T. Indeed, fatherhood is a blessed state, but time-consuming. Whoever said sink or swim is quite right. Perhaps this is why I didn't continue my studies after the birth of our son. Anyone know the academic equivalent of water wings?
Christopher said…
Congratulations Travis! You looked so refreshed on the bus this morning I would have never known!

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