2010 Karl Barth Blog Conference: This Just In!!!

Yes, the 4th installation of the Karl Barth Blog Conference is in its planning stages. I am pleased to announce that I am no longer shouldering the burden of putting on this conference alone, as my good friend and colleague David Congdon (Fire and Rose) is helping me out.

And boy, are we planning a great blog conference!!! I don’t want to reveal too many details yet, but, here is what I can tell you:

  1. The conference theme is “Karl Barth in Conversation with…” where the blank is filled in with another notable theological or philosophical thinker.
  2. We already have papers lined up to put Barth in conversation with Bultmann, Torrance, Tanner, Jenson, Gadamer, Coakley, Bonhoeffer, Zizek, and Schleiermacher!
  3. The conference will be posted in the Fall of this year.
  4. There is now a Barth Blog Conference page on Facebook, so check it out. Updates will be posted there as well.
  5. Its not too late to get involved. If you want to propose a plenary post and put Barth in conversation with someone, or if you are interested in serving as a respondent (either to a particular plenary or just in general), don’t hesitate to e-mail: derevth at gmail dot com.
That’s all for now. Stay tuned for all the latest!


Halden said…
And we've got a paper on Barth and Hauerwas.
Right! I must have been working from an old list or something...
Alejandro said…
For those of us who do not yet own a copy of Church Dogmatics, Christianbook.com is here to help. From now until Sunday, CD is only $299 and this is for the new 31-volume edition.
Bobby Grow said…
Man, I wish I had an extra $299, that is an amazing deal!

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