DET Contributor Scott Jackson to Chat with "Barth for Dummies"

You're no dummy. You track the theological and ecclesiastical scenes. As a faithful DET reader, you've probably read some Karl Barth and some modern theologians -- at least a little, probably a whole lot more. You go to church from time to time, maybe a lot, or at least have seen churches depicted on TV.

Nonetheless, you might want to head on over to the "Karl Barth for Dummies" page on Facebook this Thursday, December 11th (9 p.m. CST), where I will be holding forth on the topic of ... well, whatever page admin wants to ask me. And I believe you also will have the opportunity to lob thoughtful and courteous questions or adulatory comments at me. Be sure to "like" the FB page -- it's a nice one, replete with humorous memes and pithy quotation (or paraphrases) from Barth's sprawling oeuvre.

Our intrepid DET founder, W. Travis McMaken, has led the way with a fine interview on this page (read the transcript at here), and he assures me the subsequent media frenzy hasn't ruined his life. So I hope to chat with you there.

Editorial UPDATE -- You can access Scott's indexed interview here.



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