Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

…or, Something to keep you busy over the weekend…

…or, The Past Fortnight in the Theoblogosphere.

Maybe it’s time I dropped that “fortnight” business since, once again, it has been about a month since our last link post. One reason that it has been a while is that DET went on hiatus over the holiday season. But we’re back now and running, especially with our guest series – currently in medias res - with Nathan Hitchcock on the theme of “Eschatological Business” (which I have been trying to turn into a hashtag - #EschatologicalBusiness – however, so far it hasn’t quite caught on…). You’ll see links to the first two installments of this series below. I hope you’ll check this series out if you haven’t already done so. Nathan is giving us a preview of his current writing project, and at the same time he is workshopping it with us. So this is our chance to collaborate with him as he refines and develops his argument. Already we have had some good conversation in the comments sections, so join in!

Here are the recent links from here at DET:

Here are some links from further abroad that you might be interested in:



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