Meanwhile, back at the ranch…
…or, Something to keep you busy over the weekend…
…or, The Past Fortnight in the Theoblogosphere.
Well, the last link post was well over a month ago. DET went on hiatus for the holidays and one thing lead to another. But now we’re back. And even though we’ve only been back for the past week, I wanted to get a link post out there to catch you up on anything you might have missed while we were on hiatus. That’s right! Just because DET wasn’t posting doesn’t mean I stopped collecting links. And not I’ve got a deep backlog just begging to get cleared out a bit. So, enjoy!
Here are the DET post from the past week:
And here’s good stuff from elsewhere:
- Thank you, Trump voters, for this wonderful joke
- Why Time’s Trump Cover Is a Subversive Work of Political Art
- Empire of Tolerance (Genghis Khan and the Quest for God)
- On the fallacy of ‘Christian marriage’
- Trump’s Second Gilded Age: Overcoming the Rule of Billionaires and Militarists
- The Top Histories of 2016?
- Trump Is Bringing Progressive Protestants Back to Church
- Donald Trump is actually a fascist
- The Structure of Theological Revolutions
- Capitalism Breeds Reckless Consumption and Starves the Public Sphere
- Nine New Findings About Inequality in the United States
- The Rise Of Liberal Arts Colleges In Asia
- The Day Katie Luther Died
- Why I worry about the pastors of politically divided churches
- White Evangelicalism Has Been Politically Conservative… But Must It Remain So?
- How Clinton lost Michigan — and blew the election
- Pope Francis: Capitalism is “Terrorism against all of humanity”
- Pope Francis is waging a war on Christmas. Christians should join him
- Celebrating Christmas in a Time of Fear
- Rogue One and the Propaganda of Resistance
- The role of criticism in China
- Is Evangelicalism Now Just Right-Wing Politics in Religious Garb?
- No middle class, no republic: GOP plans to destroy America’s safety net will also kill democracy
- The God Who Saves: Still More Reader Reviews
- “Children of Men” might be the most relevant film of 2016
- ‘Collegiality’ has become an empty word
- In Which We Teach You How To Be A Woman In Any Boys' Club
- 47% of Jobs Will Disappear in the next 25 Years, According to Oxford University
- Row at Providence College reflects Catholic identity tensions
- The Trick to Being a Prolific Scholar
- Ten ways To Write Every Day
- Review of Sproul's "What Is Reformed Theology?"
- The World of Religion According to Huston Smith
- A Brief Bio of Zwingli, For His Birthday
- Why I Was Wrong About Liberal-Arts Majors
- Evangelicals should be deeply troubled by Donald Trump’s attempt to mainstream heresy
- Philosophy & Religion from Jail
- King Trump, God and Man
- Paul Tillich’s Understanding of Theology
- Harvey Cox’s Radicalism
- The Economic Guide To Picking A College Major
- How nostalgia for white Christian America drove so many Americans to vote for Trump
- A Shocking Find In a Neanderthal Cave In France
- Christian groups express ‘grave concerns’ about Trump agenda, appointments
- President Trump: Tips for covering religion in the new administration
- The God Who Saves: A Dogmatic Sketch by David W. Congdon (Review)
- David Congdon’s The Mission of Demythologizing (Review)
- The pursuit of happiness: The American cultural case for a universal basic income
- Hannah Arendt on Loneliness as the Common Ground for Terror and How Tyrannical Regimes Use Isolation as a Weapon of Oppression
- America’s Religion Problem
- With His Choice Of Inauguration Prayer Leaders, Trump Shows His Values
- Matthew's baptism of Jesus
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