Join Me at Homebrewed Christianity’s Theology Beer Camp!

I’ve been long overdue posting about this. Many of you have, perhaps, already picked up on this news by seeing the odd tweet here or there, listening to my most recent appearance on the Homebrewed Christianity podcast, or – maybe it’s a bit old fashioned at this point - by browsing the relevant website. But here it is in plain English:

I’m going to camp: Homebrewed Christianity’s Theology Beer Camp!

I’m super excited to join Tripp Fuller, Robyn Henderson-Espinoza, and others at the camp to enjoy good brews, conversation, and theology nerd fun. I know Tripp’s angling to get me to sing karaoke, but I’m not making any promises…

Tripp also assures me that there will be excellent custom brews to enjoy. I’m much more of a whiskey man than a beer man, myself, but Tripp has promised to put together a tasting menu for me to induct me into his world of hoppy delight.

What’s that? What will I be talking about at Homebrewed Christianity’s Theology Beer Camp? I’m glad you asked!

I don’t know.

Alright, alright – that isn’t entirely true. I haven’t worked out the details, but you can expect to hear something about folks like Helmut Gollwitzer (I have a book to sell, after all), Karl Barth, and Paul Tillich. And I may also have something to say about American evangelicals and contemporary politics. Maybe. We’ll see.

One of the things that I’ve learned as an academic administrator is that one should always formulate action steps for people going out of a meeting. So, here’s your action step: register for Homebrewed Christianity’s Theology Beer Camp today!

Oh, I almost forgot to mention, if use this link to register and enter code FRIENDS4EVER, you'll be able to register at the discounted rate of $199. Not bad for handing out with cool theologians like yours truly and fellow theology nerds, and enjoying lots of craft beer (cost covered in your registration fee!).


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