Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

…or, Something to keep you busy over the weekend…

…or, The Past Fortnight in the Theoblogosphere.

Fortnight? Just shy of two months? What’s the difference?


You all know what things have been like for your intrepid DET authors and editors in recent memory, so I won’t belabor things.

But that doesn’t mean that we aren’t doing our best to stroll through and stir some of the dust up from time to time. Far from it! In particular, I’ve been trying to generate some video content, which is duly linked below. So let’s get to it.

Oh, and before we go to the usual sets of links, apparently Our God Loves Justice, my book on Helmut Gollwitzer, garnered some attention over at Reddit a few months ago as part of a discussion on whether and to what extent Christianity and socialism / communism are compatible and / or related. In case you were in any doubt, I’m counting this as a giant WIN! Go check out the thread for yourselves!

Ok, now for the posts at DET since the last link post:

And now on to the links from around the interwebs:


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