Meanwhile, back at the ranch…
…or, Something to keep you busy over the weekend…
…or, The Past Fortnight in the Theoblogosphere.
Fortnight? Just shy of two months? What’s the difference?
You all know what things have been like for your intrepid DET authors and editors in recent memory, so I won’t belabor things.
But that doesn’t mean that we aren’t doing our best to stroll through and stir some of the dust up from time to time. Far from it! In particular, I’ve been trying to generate some video content, which is duly linked below. So let’s get to it.
Oh, and before we go to the usual sets of links, apparently Our God Loves Justice, my book on Helmut Gollwitzer, garnered some attention over at Reddit a few months ago as part of a discussion on whether and to what extent Christianity and socialism / communism are compatible and / or related. In case you were in any doubt, I’m counting this as a giant WIN! Go check out the thread for yourselves!
Ok, now for the posts at DET since the last link post:
- So, You Want to Read Wolfhart Pannenberg? A guest post by Andrew Hollingsworth
- Brief Book Note: Peter Brown’s “Ransom of the Soul”
- Heschel book un-"box"-ing
- Top 5 Books I Read in 2017
- Cromwell, Money, Sex, and More! (Another Book Unboxing)
And now on to the links from around the interwebs:
- Women in Philosophy: The Ethical Call to Decolonize the Philosophical Canon
- Philosophy Comedy Club, with Karl Marx
- Fintan O’Toole: Trial runs for fascism are in full flow
- Militant Grace: an Interview and Photo Essay with Philip Ziegler
- The Ignorant Do Not Have a Right to an Audience
- The Passing of Domenico Losurdo
- When the Government Won't Listen, We Must Refuse to Comply
- Say Hello to Full Employment
- What’s Obvious to Academics but Not to the Public? Scholars Are Happy to Say
- Luther Seminary receives $21.4 million commitment to pilot an accelerated Master of Divinity program
- Abortion is immoral, except when it comes to my mistress
- Detaining immigrant kids is now a billion-dollar industry
- Black Americans’ Median Wealth Could Disappear in One Generation
- The New York Yankees Are a Moral Abomination - By David Bentley Hart
- #MeToo at an Evangelical Institution
- What Is Democratic Socialism?
- Blessed are the Ordinary: A Sermon on Mark 6:30-34, 53-56
- The Spiritual Was More Substantial Than the Material for the Ancients
- They sold First UMC and put up a tent in the parking lot
- Schleiermacher: The Psychology of Christian Faith and Life
- Why America’s ‘nones’ don’t identify with a religion
- Dutch rethink Christianity for a doubtful world
- Ruth 1 – You. You. You.
- God alone is good
- As Willow Creek reels, churches must reckon with how power corrupts
- The Christian act of dissent
- American Trees Are Moving West, and No One Knows Why
- For Rashida Tlaib, Palestinian Heritage Infuses a Detroit Sense of Community
- The Politics of Jesus
- Crazy Rich Christian Asians
- The Humanities Are in Crisis - Students are abandoning humanities majors, turning to degrees they think yield far better job prospects. But they’re wrong.
- Almost Everything We Know About the Earliest Copies of the New Testament Is Wrong
- Ancient Girl's Parents Were Two Different Human Species
- The History Behind Labor Sunday
- Generous Giving Or Phony Philanthropy? A Critique Of Well-Meaning 'Winners'
- How to Use Gender-Neutral Words - And why they're important.
- Why Artificial Scarcity is Killing You
- Hal Draper's contribution to revolutionary Marxism
- The Museum of the Bible Is Exploiting Jewish Tradition—And Saving Its Evangelical Christian Donors Millions
- Anxious Pedigree: From Fresh-Off-The-Boat to “Crazy Rich Asians”
- I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Death Eater Community
- I am part of the resistance inside Nyarlathotep’s death cult
- A witch hunt or a quest for justice: An insider’s perspective on disgraced academic Avital Ronell
- Homogeneous: The Political Affiliations of Elite Liberal Arts College Faculty
- On writing essays: a little resource for my theological students
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