Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

…or, Something to keep you busy over the weekend…

…or, The Past Fortnight in the Theoblogosphere.

Maybe I should take that “fortnight” line off these posts. Ah, the good ol’ days.

Well, we haven’t had an update / link post since the very end of last year and we’re getting dangerously close to being halfway through this one. Might as well throw something up. Oh yeah, there’s also the pandemic. Maybe y’all need something to read? In any case, I hope this post finds you and yours safe and healthy.

Before we get to the link lists, here are some featured happenings.

First off, I got to go to Germany and talk about Karl Barth at the end of last year. Lindenwood put up a nice press-release about it.

Next, I was happy to participate in something of an Easter podcast roundup that Liam Miller put together as a special event for his podcast’s 50th episode: Seven Last Words with Seven Great Guests. You can also see the lovely chip in my front tooth that I’ve been living with during the current disruption.

Third, here’s another Lindenwood press release – this time because Kaitlyn Centini and I published a book review together. Katie has featured on this blog before: most notably, when she won an award and when she wrote on Martin Bucer.

Finally, Sabrina Reyes-Peters brought Lauren Larkin onto her Seminary for the Rest of us podcast (you should subscribe) to talk about Dialectical Theology and they had some very nice things to say about me and (you guessed it) David Congdon. I recommend you check it out and believe everything they say. *whistles innocently*

Now, here’s what’s been happening at DET:

And here’s some stuff worth reading from elsewhere:


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