October 22nd Digital Colloquium – Society for Dialectical Theology

The Society for Dialectical Theology will host a digital colloquium, free and open to the interested theological public, on October 22nd, 2020 from 2–4 PM CST. Room will be limited to the first 100 participants. The Zoom meeting access information is available at the bottom of this post. The colloquium will comprise three short (~20 minute) presentations followed by an equally short response and time for general Q&A and conversation. Here are the details:
  • Eleonora Hof (Pastor of Ieper /Ypres, United Protestant Church in Belgium) and Collin Cornell (Visiting Assistant Professor, University of the South), “Critical and Constructive Engagements with the Dialectical Theology of KH Miskotte.”
  • Ashley Cocksworth (Senior Lecturer in Theology and Practice at the University of Roehampton), “Karl Barth’s Spirituality.”
  • Rochhuahthanga “RC” Jongte (Doctoral candidate, Princeton Theological Seminary), “Election, Option for the Poor, and Divine Being: A Liberationist Reading of Karl Barth’s Doctrine of Election and Its Relevance for Liberation Theological Ontology.”
  • David Congdon (Editor, University Press of Kansas), respondent.
We are very much looking forward to hearing these papers and to the conversation that will follow, and we hope you will join us! As always: if you or someone you care about—or even someone you are just acquainted with—are working on a book project in the broad field of Dialectical Theology, we would love the opportunity to consider it for the Studies in Dialectical Theology series.


- W. Travis McMaken and David W. Congdon

(Pictured: what I choose to imagine the Zoom meeting room is really like.)

Zoom meeting information:

Time: Oct 22, 2020 02:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting https://lindenwood.zoom.us/j/95202555417?pwd=dmM5MEhnYUQ3cHRIdUNiOVJaSGRMdz09

Meeting ID: 952 0255 5417
Passcode: 204077
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Meeting ID: 952 0255 5417
Find your local number: https://lindenwood.zoom.us/u/abUoErZq2G


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