Videos Now Available! – SDT Digital Colloquium

Dear Theological Friends,

Thanks for your patience!

It has been a rough year for all of us, and it took me longer to get these videos ready and posted than I had originally hoped. But very many thanks to our presenters for taking the time out in such a rough year to put together some really top-notch pieces of dialectical theological reflection for us!

The current thinking is that these videos will be available for viewing until the end of January, 2021. We hope that they will provide some good theological food for thought over the holidays and into the new year. They are certainly worth your time and attention.

In addition to viewing these lectures, I also encourage you to follow these scholars on social media (links below) to stay up to date with their work!


- Travis McMaken & David Congdon

Eleonora Hof (Pastor of Ieper /Ypres, United Protestant Church in Belgium) and Collin Cornell (Visiting Assistant Professor, University of the South), “Critical and Constructive Engagements with the Dialectical Theology of KH Miskotte.”

Ashley Cocksworth (Senior Lecturer in Theology and Practice at the University of Roehampton), “Karl Barth’s Spirituality.”

Rochhuahthanga “RC” Jongte (Doctoral candidate, Princeton Theological Seminary), “Election, Option for the Poor, and Divine Being: A Liberationist Reading of Karl Barth’s Doctrine of Election and Its Relevance for Liberation Theological Ontology.”


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