
-> Link 1

Have any of you ever heard of Joshua Harris? I was made very familiar with him and his thought when I was a teenager. For those of you with no idea who he is, just put his name into Amazon.com and see what you get. Anyway, it seems that his two younger brothers are making a name for themselves through the use of new media. They have a website, complete with a blog and a conference schedule. Anyway, its interesting if you are familiar with the milieu.
Thanks to Between Two Worlds for the heads up about this.

-> Link 2

Would you rather be an optimist or a pessimist? Are you more an optimist or a pessimist? Should a Christian be more an optimist or a pessimist? You decide, but let the New York Times help you think about it. This editorial is about politics, but I find the discussion interesting at a number of levels.

If you are inclined to pursue these notions further, Patrik over at God in a Shrinking Universe has some good thoughts posted about optimism here. He further discusses the ecclesial dimension of his understanding in a more recent post.

-> Link 3

It seems that Rowan Williams (otherwise known as the Archbishop of Canterbury) has recently made some comments about homosexuality in the Anglican communion. Apparently, these comments have upset the more liberal groups in the communion because Williams has put some distance between himself and the work he did on the subject about 20 years ago. In any case, you can read about if for yourself here

-> Link 4

It has been said that “there is no such thing as a stupid question.”

Some say that “there is no such thing as a stupid question, only stupid answers.”

Still others argue that “there is no such thing as a stupid question, only stupid people asking questions.”

Whichever category that you find yourself within, you will appreciate this chart put together by a group called “Christians for Better Classrooms.” Many thanks to Mr. Taylor over at Between Two Worlds, where I was first alerted to the existence of this chart.

-> Link 5

"The blogosphere gathers together atypical fans and brings them together in what quickly becomes a broadband echo chamber. The louder and more intense the online community gets, the farther it's likely drifting from what is happening offline."

For more of such thoughts, head over to Mere Comments. Many thanks to Jason for bringing this to my attention.

-> Link 6

My friend and colleague, Jason Ingalls - a recent graduate from Princeton Theological Seminary, has recently begun his own blogging odyssey. If you don’t already have enough blogs to check regularly, I recommend adding his. You can find it here or among the links on the sidebar to the right.


millinerd said…
I dig that chart.
I'm tucking it away for future use in an academic environment.

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