
The Satire of Our Age

Wyatt Mason currently has a very insightful and interested article in the New York Times Magazine entitled ”My Satirical Self”. In this article, Mason reflects on how satire has become mainstream in contemporary culture (think The Daily Show and The Colbert Report among other things) in light of the tradition of satire in ancient Rome, etc. I highly recommend reading it.

Star Trek, the Next Interpretation

Ronald D. Moore, former writer on Star Trek: The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine, and current writer on Battlestar Galactica, has a short op-ed contribution in the New York times entitled Mr. Universe wherein he discusses the lessons he learned by growing up on the original incarnation of Star Trek and how it shaped his way of looking at the world and thinking about America’s role in it. Very interesting.

Sweet, old, Chicago

36 Hours: Chicago - enough said. Read it.

Terrorism, Trials and Torture

Learn a little bit about what is going on in the government these days. The New York Times will help you get started here.

So You Think You Can Write?

If so, check out Orwell’s six rules for clear writing over at Between Two Worlds and see how you measure up.


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