Links: Stuff worth knowing about

I usually don’t post collections of links, preferring instead to use the nifty widget in the right sidebar to let people know about the good stuff floating around the blogosphere at any given time. But, there is quite a lot of good stuff out there right now and I thought it warranted a link post. So, here is a list of some of the best and / or most interesting stuff in the blogosphere at the moment, at least as far as I am concerned.
  • My friend and colleague David Congdon has posted an excellent reflection on Christ’s cry of dereliction / abandonment. Read it here.

  • Richard over at ‘Experimental Theology’ has great post up on Ironic Christians and Wry Prophets, wherein he thinks about the place of irony in the church.

  • Michael over at ‘InternetMonk’ has two posts on ‘Stupid Evangelical Tricks’ that are well worth looking at. Post 1, Post 2.

  • There are two posts worth noting over at ‘Sub Ratione Dei’ as well. The first discusses Wolfhart Pannenberg’s Introduction to Systematic Theology, and the second is a review of Dan Gilgoff’s, The Jesus Machine: How James Dobson, Focus on the Family, and Evangelical America are Winning the Culture War.

  • Darren has a nice little post up on creatio ex nihilo over at 'Historical Theology' - read it here.

  • Keith DeRose gives us a lengthy piece on post-modernism, and 111 comments have attached themselves to this material.

  • Macht over at 'Prosthesis' has put up 7 propositions on rationality that are definately worth looking at.

  • Michael over at 'Intellectus Fidei' gives us a nice Easter reflection on the Ressurection that deals with faith and fact, etc.


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