Top Theology Blogs on UnSpun

Dear readers and follow theo-bloggers,

I am writing to call your attention to a new social networking tool offered by our friends over at Amazon. This service is called ‘UnSpun’ and it allows you to make lists of things and then rank them. Anyone with an account can create a list, and anyone can edit someone else’s list and submit his or her own rankings. Those items with more votes float toward the surface, and those with fewer sink toward the bottom.

In any case, the real point for this post is to let you all know that I have created a Top Theology Blogs list, and I invite you all to head over and vote for your favorite theo-blogs. Be sure to add any blogs that are not yet included but deserve to be (I started with the first 10 blogs that came to my mind, and I know that I forgot many deserving ones).

Note: While you may be tempted to vote using the up and down arrows on the left side of each entry in the list, the most effective way is to switch from ‘community ranking’ to ‘your ranking’ (beneath the list title toward the top left) and to order all the entries entirely as you would if it was your own personal list. This ordering is then factored in with the orders of others.



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