Blog Series You Should Be Reading

There are currently three series going on in the theo-blogosphere that are more than worthy of the time it takes to read them. So, I bring them to your attention here in order to do just that.

The Spirit of the Lord by DW Congdon

David, as is fairly well known, is a friend of mine whom I have known since our days at Wheaton College (IL) and with whom I have had the privilege of attending classes the past two years here at Princeton Theological Seminary. This series was sparked by a particularly bad Christmas Eve sermon. While we definitely need to stamp out bad preaching wherever it is found, in this case we have David’s series as a consolation prize. David describes his project in this series:
"The overall work originated as a response to a version of modern pietistic gnosticism which is views the gospel in terms of a clean separation between body and spirit, between “internal” peace and “external” peace. Against such a notion, I offer these reflections as an inchoate attempt to construct a dogmatic theology of peace rooted in theological exegesis of Old Testament prophecies and a christocentric-missional account of the church."

Barth / Brunner – Natural Theology by Chris TerryNelson

This series isn’t as self-evidently coherent as is David’s (no index! – hint hint, Chris!) but it does seem to be a series and it is definitely worth reading. All the posts are included in the link given above, but that link will take you to an archive page. More installments may be coming, so stay tuned. You may also notice that the above link does not go to Chris’ usual stomping grounds (DG). This series is being posted on the blog for the Karl Barth Society of Amherst.

Heiko Oberman on Scripture and Tradition by Cynthia Nielsen

In the comments section of the this series’ first post, Cynthia writes:
"I hope that this series will at least clear up some of the misconceptions of the Protestant position, while also being open to dialogue with Roman Catholics who disagree."
She further notes:
"Given my experience with these kinds of issues, I expect that some of the comments (from both sides) will be exceedingly negative. I am not interested in wasting my time with non-substantive comments from either Protestants or Roman Catholics (or anyone else for that matter), so I plan to use the moderator feature [as I always do] and reject all comments from both sides that seem to me simply polemical in nature and which do not further the dialogue."
The link above is to Part 1. So far there is also a Part 2 and a Part 3. Stay tuned for more!


Thanks for the press, Travis. I'll go back through after it's over and index it.
Most of it is from my honors thesis, and is largely unedited. It's also missing citations, but given that it's a blog I don't feel obligated. Besides, any fool can pick up the Barth/Brunner correspondence and read it in 3 hours if they wish. For historical background on their relationship, I suggest you take a look at John W. Hart's dissertation which has most of their early letters translated. He has a nice summary in his lecture given in the 1999 Barth Conference, which is the first essay in For the Sake of the World ed. by George Hunsinger.

I wondered if it was from your thesis. I've poked through Hart's book and I have For the Sake of the World on my 'hopper' shelf for this summer.

In any case, I've been enjoying the posts!
Thanks for the blog props! I'll be returning the favor in an upcoming post. :)
Shane said…
lots of good stuff going on these days.

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