Breaking News: Eberhard Busch to Lecture at PTS

That's right! DET is here with the scoop, breaking the story FIRST in the theo-blogosphere!

Eberhard Busch, Barth's last research assistant and renowned interpreter, will lecture at Princeton Theological Seminary on November 8th, 2007. Get the full story from the Barth Center website.

The title of Busch's lecture will be "A Swiss Voice: The Campaign of the Swiss Government Against the Voice of Karl Barth During the Second World War"

I think it is safe to say that the PTS bloggers will bring you multiple takes on this exciting lecture from a world-class Barth scholar.

In new from the wider Barth-scholarship world, Busch will deliver this address again at what Austin Seminary is calling its "first Karl Barth symposium." To be held November 13-15, 2007, the symposium's aim is to invite "pastors to take a closer look at the theological contribution of Karl Barth." Daniel Migliore, Charles Hodge Professor of Systematic Theology here at PTS, will be speaking at the symposium as well.

Perhaps some enterprising Austin Seminary students will run a series of blog posts on the symposium. If any of you reading this are Austin students without a blog, but with a desire to see your notes to the symposium published online, please contact me.


Wow, that sounds great. I wish Busch would swing by Covenant while touring around. :-) I look forward to hearing how that goes!
Darren said…
Wow! I'm adding this to my calendar now ...

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