2008 Karl Barth Conference at Princeton Theological Seminary

Another piece of news. I'm beginning to feel like the theological Associated Press!

The Center for Barth Studies has posted an announcement of the 2008 Barth conference. Here you will find information about the date of the conference (June 22-25), the conference cost ($100 USD), and the current list of confirmed speakers (which includes Kathryn Tanner and Nigel Biggar).

The topic of the 2008 Barth conference is: “Karl Barth and Theological Ethics”

While you are surfing the Barth Center website, be sure to check out the book review section.


Joshua said…
thanks for posting this. this looks great. i don't know how they add other papers, but you should put in a word for paul t. nimmo of ijst and cambridge who did a great dissertation with david fergusson at edinburgh on barth and ethics.
i hope to be there!

I'll look forward to the opportunity to meet you face to face come June. :-)

I'm fairly certain that the primary speakers are in place, but I'm not sure about whether they are going to have any break-out sessions, etc. I'll have to drop by and get the low-down. Nimmo's book is, however, sitting on my shelf waiting patiently for me.
Anonymous said…
I had the same thought. When I saw Barth and Ethics, Paul's name came to mind. Hope they make sure to invite him.

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