My Most Recent Publication

A Report on the Second Annual Karl Barth Conference, Karl Barth Society Newsletter 35 (Fall, 2007), 1-4.

Regular readers of DET may remember that, coming off the success of the 2007 Karl Barth Blog Conference, things were uncharacteristically quiet here during the second annual Karl Barth conference held at Princeton Theological Seminary back in June. Well, this is why. My reporting on the conference was spoken for by the Barth Society Newsletter, the editor of which (Paul Molnar) asked me to provide such a report because of my involvement in organizing the conference.

In any case, if you are a member of the Karl Barth Society of North America, my report will show up in your mailbox in a few days (if it hasn’t already). It will also appear in due course in the digital collections of the Princeton Theological Seminary library.

This issue of the newsletter also includes information on the upcoming Barth Society meetings in conjunction with the 2007 AAR conference in San Diego, a review of Karl Barth and the Churches, and notices of some recent publications on Barth as well as the Digital Karl Barth Library.


Congrats bro. I love to read those bulletins, especially when I walk out of Barth conferences feeling like I understood only half of what was said.

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