TFTTF: “Participatio”

I can’t pretend that this is breaking news, but it is certainly news that the T.F.Torrance Theological Fellowship (TFTTF) has launched a new journal entitled, Participatio, aimed at furthering scholarly discussion of Torrance’s work. If you follow that link, you will be able to download the journal’s first volume.

The reason for my writing, however, is that information concerning the future of this journal was recently given to TFTTF members (among whom I am numbered), and I wanted to pass it along to a (perhaps) wider audience. This information pertains to upcoming journal issues, and I have reproduced it below:

Vol. II: TFT's Use and Appropriation of Theological Sources (2010):

* George Dragas: Athanasius & Cyril of Alexandria
* Matthew Baker: Irenaeus
* Alasdair Heron: Calvin
* Robb Redman: H. R. MacIntosh
* David Fergusson: Scottish Sources

1st miscellany volume (2010):

Annual paper presentations and responses:
Todd Speidell's interview with David Torrance
Robb Redman's tribute to Geoffrey Bromiley
Chris Kettler's tribute to Ray Anderson

Geordie Ziegler: review of Gerrit Dawson's Introduction to Torrance Theology
Gary Deddo: review of Paul Molnar's book on Torrance and the Trinity
George Dragas: review of Myk Habets' book on Torrance and Theosis
Myk Habets: review of Ho's book on Torrance and Incarnation

Vol. III: The Interrelationship of Incarnation and Atonement (2011):

Chris Kettler on The Vicarious Humanity of Christ
Joel Scandrett on The Passion of the Triune God
Bob Walker on Inc. & At.
Paul Molnar, review essay of Incarnation and Atonement

2nd miscellany volume (2011):

James B. Torrance's Theology of Worship (contents to be determined in consultation with Alan Torrance)

Vol. IV: TFT as Ecumenical Theologian:

Mike Gibson and Paul Molnar on TFT and RC theology, George Dragas on E. Orthodoxy, A. Heron on Reformed

Vol. V: TFT and Theological Science

Vol. VI: Undeveloped Themes in TFT's Thought--Social, Ethical, and Behavioral Frontiers of Knowledge:

LeRon Shults, Eric Flett, Todd Speidell

Vol. VII: TFT and KB

Vol. VIII: TFT and His Critics

Submissions are welcome, and guidelines for submission are available.


Bobby Grow said…
Hey I received this update as a member too ;-)! Thanks for sharing it!

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