Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

…or, Something to keep you busy over the weekend…

…or, The Past Fortnight in the Theoblogosphere.

I’m running a bit behind on getting this post done. Oh well. Somehow the earth will keep revolving and rotating. We hope. In any case, that I’m running behind means that I don’t have time to put these links into convenient categories. Here they are thrown together in no particular order (as far as I know):

  • John Drury gives us an assorted collection of quotations from Barth concerning Hegel.
  • The Women In Theology blog reflects on the dynamics surrounding women in ministry and, particularly, female academics in theology and/or religion departments.
  • Roger Olson provides more reflection on neo-fundamentalism, especially the way in which folks from this camp tend to take up a primarily defensive theological posture, rather than a creative or reconstitutive one.
  • Wow. I knew this project was around the theo-blogosphere, but I never stumbled upon the “hive,” as it were. In any case, this NT professor at Fuller has spearheaded a project to read through Barth’s Church Dogmatics and this page gives you the reading schedule and links to his various posts on the various reading segments.
  • Hell. Karl Barth. Election. And Nathaniel Hawthorne. Typical Millinerd fare.
  • I suspect that those who are dissertating or have dissertated will readily admit that an urge to beseech your dissertation in something akin to the mode of prayer will sometimes wash over you in a well-nigh irresistible wave. Here is an artist’s rendering of what such a prayer might look like if followed through and modeled on the Pater.
  • Great news from and for Meredith over at The Bruised Reed. As I said in my comment there, I’m both extremely happy for her and extremely jealous of her.
  • Ricahrd Floyd, whom I was very pleased to meet at the recent Barth Conference in Princeton, offers 10 ways to crush your pastor’s morale. Since I’m relocating soon, I can’t wait to try a few of these out on fresh meat…
  • Cynthia Nielsen’s dissertation abstract.
  • Jason Goroncy on Barth on marriage. Coincidently, I was also very pleased to meet Jason at the recent Barth conference in Princeton.
  • More Richard Floyd, this time defending blogging.
  • This is a piece from the Chronicle of Higher Education aimed at helping junior faculty sort out departmental dynamics. In this particular case, the focus is on what such a one might be doing wrong.
  • Robert Grow rejoices that his co-edited volume on Evangelical Calvinism has been sent to the publisher.
  • Yet more Richard Floyd, now charting on the role that books played in his pastoral ministry, and wondering what the significance is of a new generation of pastors who don’t revere books in the same way.
  • Melissa F-B reflects on attending a recent Mennonite church convention in Pittsburgh
  • More from the Chronicle of Higher Ed, this time on the difficulty of measuring faculty workloads, especially in the humanities. This has all sorts of political ramifications at present.
  • Stanley Fish discusses a recent book concerned with assessing the relation between academic freedom and tenure, with an eye toward undermining the latter. Fish thinks the book’s argument is clever, but disagrees with the premise that higher education should continue to move toward glorified vocational training – thus disrupting the book’s calculus.
  • More Roger Olson, this time discussing theological liberalism, what it means, and criticizing how the language get’s thrown around unreflectively.
  • The Chronicle of Higher Ed draws attention to a game-changing development - The New Faculty Majority (adjunct faculty advocacy group) is now offering limited heath insurance plans to its members.
  • Grade inflation is on the loose, I think all would agree. Here is a historical look, with dire suggestions about the future.
  • Ever wonder what pastors do all week when they aren’t “working” on Sunday mornings? Here is a peek.
P.S. Have I mentioned that I'm on Twitter now?



Thanks for the shout out, Travis!

Also: the Chronicle of Higher Ed link doesn't work. As a former adjunct, I'd love to read that piece!

Congrats on the new job, too. You're going to rock it.
Hey Courtney,

Sorry about that. It should be fixed now. Here's the link for convenience.

Tell your hubby that he and I need to talk sometime soon.
Bobby Grow said…
Thanks for the linkage, Travis! You can call me Bobby if you want ;-).
I do in more informal contexts. ;-)
Bobby Grow said…
;-) Are you moving soon?
Too soon from a I-need-to-finish-my-dissertation standpoint.

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