DET Update: Doctoral Edition

The big news from DET is that its proprietor now holds a PhD in systematic theology from Princeton Theological Seminary. That’s right, gentle reader, yours truly defended his dissertation on December 16th, thus giving himself what is perhaps the best Christmas present ever. Here is a picture of my setup in the PTS Center for Barth Studies as I prepared on the 15th for the defense.

For related images, click here, here, and – of course – here.

Anyway, what does all this mean for you, the faithful DET reader? Allow me to enumerate…

  1. You can expect a post about my dissertation early in the new year. I’ve kept it pretty well under wraps as far as the theo-blogosphere goes, but there is no longer any reason for that. So I plan to throw up the abstract to let you all catch a glimpse of what I’ve been preoccupied with for a very long time…
  2. My dissertation isn’t the only thing that I recently finished. I also finished my first semester of teaching. That semester was incredibly busy (remember that dissertation thingy?), and a bit boring since I was spending my time plowing through introductory religion and history of Christianity material. But my coming assignments are more interesting: a 12 day intensive course on Augustine’s Confessions in January and an introductory theology course in the Spring term. I’m sure my investment in such pursuits will bear fruit here.
  3. Work on the KBBC book is progressing, although rather slowly. It is incredibly difficult to get so many authors moving in the same direction and at the same time. I feel like I’m trying to herd cats which, as some of you will no doubt know, is virtually impossible. So there may be some posts in the future aimed at shaming those who are dragging their feet… You have been warned!

See you all in the new year!



Anonymous said…
What an absolutely appropriate place for you to defend the dissertation! The Geist of Karl was with you!
Unfortunately, the defense was not in the Center. It was in the Alexander Hall Oratory, the seminary's original classroom / chapel and the traditional defense location.
Bobby Grow said…
Looks like a great place for a defense!

You need to update your blog CV; it still says: "anticipated."

Look forward to reading more about your dissertation!
Casper said…
Congratulations - look forward to reading the abstract

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