2011 Top 10 DET Pages Viewed

I felt inspired today, noting the inexorable march of the calendar toward a new year, to check and see what you all have been reading here at DET over the past year. Then, having checked, I thought: “Hey, this would make a good post!” So, there we are… The posts are listed in descending order of traffic (i.e., #1 has the most traffic).

  1. Types of Theology - This one is a pleasant surprise. It has always received respectable traffic, but it was far and away the most traversed page at DET this past year. I should probably go back and update it…
  2. So, You Want to Read Karl Barth? - A perennial top-performer, this post is approximately 4.5 years old! I could think of a couple newer secondary resources to add, but I still stand by the advice given there.
  3. DET: 1 Year Blog Birthday - No surprise here. I wrote this post to mark the first year of this blog’s existence, and it functions as a sort of manifesto for the whole enterprise. Although it is also approximately 4.5 years old, it still adequately captures what DET is about. But now that I’m thinking about it, it could probably stand to be redone…
  4. Recommended Reading - Wondering what theology book you should buy and read next? Check out this page for some recommendations. It appears that quite a few people have done just that over the past year.
  5. Index: Book Reviews - Wonder what I think of a particular book? Check this page to see if I’ve offered an opinion on it here at DET. I need to expand this page, and cross reference it with my (traditionally) published book reviews.
  6. Karl Barth on Eberhard Jüngel’s “God’s Being Is In Becoming” - from a new book by Eberhard Busch - Woah…quite the title on this one. But that hasn’t stopped people from finding it, it seems. This post includes some DET exclusive translation of interesting German literature on Barth, so I understand why it is popular. If you haven’t read it yet, now is your chance!
  7. Curriculum Vitae - My redacted CV also made the most traffic list. I’ve recently updated it to include more information about my dissertation, so take a(nother) look.
  8. 2010 KBBC: Week 1, Day 2 - Karl Barth and Herman Bavinck on the Deus dixit - This one is the page that surprised me most in making this list. It is an entry from the most recent Karl Barth Blog Conference (check out the index page for complete proceedings), with a plenary by Andrew Esqueda and a response by Joel Esala. It didn’t lead the pack in traffic when the conference was underway, but it appears that this particular post has some staying power. I keep meaning to read more Bavinck. A New Year’s Resolution in the making? I doubt it…
  9. Reading Scripture with John Calvin: 1 Peter 5.8-11 - This was another pleasant surprise. The post comes from my favorite serial, Reading Scripture with John Calvin (indexed with the other serials), so I’m glad that folks are reading. I’m at a loss as to why this post in particular would draw more traffic…
  10. Popular Posts - Coming in last is the index page to the most popular posts here at DET. These are posts that attracted unusual amounts of traffic when they were first posted, or have demonstrated staying power since then. The posts linked there are some of my favorites, so take another look.

Honorable Mention:

  • What is theology? Who is a theologian? Why should theology persist? - I include this post as an honorable mention for two reasons. First, it barely missed making the top 10 despite being posted only this last July. If it had been around another month or two, I’m convinced that it would have placed. Second, I’m rather fond of it.



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