Brandy Daniels on Gender and Theology

Greetings, faithful readers.

If you are widely plugged into the theoblogosphere and associated online theological discussion forums, you may have noticed a bit of a hubbub going on the past few days. But I thought that many DET readers may not necessarily keep track of the places where this discussion has been raging, so I thought that I would post and draw some attention to it. I feel especially justified in this given that one of DET's contributors, Brandy Daniels, has taken a lead in much of this discussion by writing three substantial posts elsewhere. So, here are some links:

So, there you go. Catch up on your theo-blog current events.

P.S. I forgot another good reason for me to post about all this: unfortunately, much of the discussion on this issue has been conducted on various Facebook group threads, etc., thus limiting accessibility for the uninitiated.



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