About the Authors

Founder & Editor

W. Travis McMaken, PhD - Dr. McMaken serves as the Butler Bible Endowed Professor of Religion and Associate Dean in the College of Arts and Humanities at Lindenwood University (access his faculty page here; access his current CV here). He welcomes professional and/or theological inquiries, especially if you are a young theologian trying to find your way (derevth [at] gmail [dot] com), or if you are interested in studying religion or interdisciplinary studies at Lindenwood. You are also invited to follow Dr. McMaken and his work on Twitter and / or on Academia.edu (or visit my About.me page to find links to my various corners of the interwebs). If you like audiovisual content, check out my YouTube channel and my podcast feed. McMaken is ordained as a ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church (USA). He has broad research interests in the Reformed theological tradition and modern theology, especially figures like Karl Barth and Thomas Torrance, as well as in ecclesiology. His current project is a book that addresses the intersection of theology and politics in the life and thought of 20th century German pastor and theologian, Helmut Gollwitzer.

Associate Editor

Scott Jackson, PhD - Dr. Jackson is a writer and lay minister whose work seeks to integrate radical politics, dialectical theology, and Reformed dogmatics. His current research interests are in the areas of Christology, the principalities and powers, and the theologies of Karl Barth and William Stringfellow. For the past decade, Jackson has worked with his wife, Leah Gregg, coordinating the Jacob's Well ecumenical Christian community, whose ministries include outreach, hospitality, and study among the homeless, college students, and young adults in western Massachusetts.

Contributing Author

J.T. Young - J.T. is the Ministerial Director of Discipleship and Missions at Concord Trinity UMC in St. Louis, MO. He graduated with a B.A. in Religion from Lindenwood University in 2015 and a Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary in 2018. He is pursuing ordination as a deacon in the UMC, and is also a Doctor of Ministry candidate at at Eden Theological Seminary, and an Adjunct Professor of Philosophy & Religion at Lindenwood University. Be on the lookout in late 2024 for his new book, Extremist for Love: A Theological Introduction to the Struggle for Racial Justice in America, forthcoming from Wipf & Stock Publishers.

Alex DeMarco - I graduated with an MDiv from Princeton Theological Seminary in 2015 and now work as a project editor for Baker Academic and Brazos Press specializing in theology titles. I live in Michigan, where I'm always grateful for the beer and the lakes.

In addition to these contributors, DET often hosts guest posts.

N.B. Any views expressed in posts on this blog are only necessarily the view of the author at that particular point in time, and should not be interpreted as anything more. In fact, it is best to think of blog posts as provisional attempts at articulating a position rather than as permanent or even semi-permanent articulations. DET also occasionally publishes material from guest contributors and, while we try to exercise care in making decisions about such guests, we accept no responsibility for views that they might express elsewhere.


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