Princeton Barth Conference – I’ll be there to speak about Gollwitzer

I posted previously about the annual Barth conference in Princeton, coming around for another iteration this June. At that time I mentioned that I had no plans to attend, but that “one never knows.”

As it turns out, I’ll be there. Presenting. About Gollwitzer.

My paper’s title will be: “‘Shalom, Shalom, Shalom Israel!’: Jews and Judaism in Helmut Gollwitzer’s Life and Theology”

Excited yet? No? Shame on you. Yes? Of course you are! There was plenty to be excited about before, but this is (for me) the icing on the cake. I’m very much looking forward to it.

The rest of the concurrent sessions look fascinating as well, and I’m sad that I won’t be able to attend the ones going on at the same time as my paper. You can find a complete schedule for the event – including the concurrent sessions - by following this link.

This will be my first trip back to Princeton since my dissertation defense. I’m looking forward to it. See you there?



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