Quiet Tuesday Morning

Hi Folks,

It goings to be a quiet Tuesday morning here at DET. I know, I know. I hear you, gentle readers. You have grown accustomed to a bracing dose of theological reflection, served up hot and tasty here at DET each Tuesday (and Thursday!) morning. Alas, today I must disappoint you. But I would not leave you entirely bereft...

You remember, of course, that we have recently concluded a deeply engaging guest series on the topic of "Eschatological Business" from friend-of-DET Nathan Hitchcock. If you haven't worked through that yet, I highly recommend it to you. There was some good discussion in the comments threads as well, so don't miss those. The series is now indexed on the DET "Serials" page.

Also, on Monday the Center for Barth Studies published a book review from yours truly, highlighting the recently reissued (in an affordable paperback!) volume from Kimlyn Bender entitled Karl Barth's Christological Ecclesiology. My review isn't anything special, but you may find it informative.

As Tigger says in the Winnie the Pooh shows that my young children sometimes watch (and don't ask why this popped into my head right now, because I have no idea...),




It’s a quiet Tuesday for me too.

My thanks to those of you who jumped into the conversation last month. Sometimes serious, sometimes playful, sometimes feisty, your comments added up to a much more interesting test drive. I’m already cogitating about options for version 2.0. The greatest outcome I can hope for is that others will be inspired to build out from here in various directions, taking an eschatological theology of work into the realms of economics, politics, ethics, and perhaps (for that daring theologian) back into the doctrine of creation.

Special thanks goes to DET’s intrepid editor, Travis, whose scholarly goading and cheerful encouragement have gone hand in hand all month long. I am indebted to you with much good debt!

It was a pleasure to have you here at DET and we'll look forward to a return sometime in the future. :-)

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