Serials Index
This is an the index for my posted serials. It will be updated as posts are added. The series are presented in chronological order, with the most recent at the top, and the oldest toward the bottom. My long-term project, "Reading Scripture with John Calvin," appears last.
10.31.2017 –> Reformation Women (part 1: wives)
11.01.2017 –> Reformation Women (part 2: writers)
11.02.2017 –> Martin Luther, Reformation, and Justification
11.03.2017 –> Ad Fontes: Tyndale and the English Reformation
11.06.2017 –> Martin Bucer: The Reformation’s Referee
11.07.2017 –> Thomas Cranmer: Know When to Hold 'Em, Know When to Fold 'Em
11.08.2017 –> Reformer Roundup (Zwingli, Melanchthon, Vermigli)
11.09.2017 –> Reckoning with John Calvin’s Brain
11.10.2017 –> Calvin as Luther’s Disciple
01.20.2015 -> Remitting Debts
01.27.2015 -> Raising Bodies
02.03.2015 -> Recreating the Earth
10.15.2014 -> Paradigm 1. Jesus as the proclaimer of the kingdom
11.07.2014 -> Paradigm 2. Jesus is the bringer of the kingdom
12.18.2014 -> Paradigm 3. Jesus himself incarnates the kingdom in person
05.05.2014 -> Dorrien on the Social Gospel
05.29.2014 -> Rorty Weighs In
07.14.2014 -> Apocalypse Never
07.22.2014 -> A Friendly Critique from Hauerwas
08.20.2014 -> Toward a Metaphysics of Solidarity
05.19.2011 -> Cyprian and the Novatians (1)
05.23.2011 -> Cyprian and the Novatians (2)
05.25.2011 -> Augustine and the Donatists (1)
05.28.2011 -> Augustine and the Donatists (2)
Now available as a .pdf.
04.26.2011 -> Part One
04.27.2011 -> Part Two
04.28.2011 -> Part Three
04.29.2011 -> Part Four
05.02.2011 -> Part Five
05.03.2011 -> Part Six
05.04.2011 -> Part Seven
05.06.2011 -> Part Eight
05.12.2009 -> Thesis 1
05.14.2009 -> Thesis 2
05.19.2009 -> Thesis 3
05.21.2009 -> Thesis 4
05.26.2009 -> Thesis 5
05.28.2009 -> Thesis 6
02.25.2008 -> Part 2 - Word and Spirit in Trinity and Christology
03.12.2008 -> Part 3 - Word and Spirit in Ecclesiology
03.31.2008 -> Part 4 - Word and Spirit in the Eucharist
04.07.2008 -> Part 5 - Critical Engagement
04.05.2016 -> 18.1 - Does church or doctrine come first?
02.15.2007 -> 18.2 - The word “church”
03.05.2007 -> 18.3 - Members of the church
09.19.2016 -> 18.4 - Different ways of being in the church
04.09.2007 -> 18.5 - Unity of the church
05.02.2007 -> 18.6 - Catholicity of the church
11.28.2016 -> 18.7 - Invisibility of the hurch
05.09.2007 -> 18.8 - Indefectibility of the church
02.01.2017 -> 18.9 - Is the church always glorious?
05.18.2007 -> 18.10 - Where was the church before the reformation?
02.21.2017 -> 18.11 - The Infallibility of the Church
05.23.2007 -> 18.12 - Scripture as the mark of the church
03.14.2017 -> 18.13 - Against false marks of the church
06.01.2007 -> 18.14 - Is the Roman church a true church?
08.20.2007 -> 18.15 - Reformed churches are true churches?
05.03.2017 -> 18.16 - The Government of the Church
05.30.2017 -> 18.17 - The Primacy of Peter
09.20.2017 -> 18.18 - Peter and Rome
10.04.2017 -> 18.19 - Primacy of the Pope
08.28.2007 -> 18.21 - Distinction between bishop and presbyter
11.05.2007 -> Introduction to Systematic Theology, Chapter 2
11.12.2007 -> Introduction to Systematic Theology, Chapter 3
11.19.2007 -> Introduction to Systematic Theology, Chapter 4
08.18.2006 -> Systematic Theology, Vol. 1, 106-137
08.30.2006 -> Systematic Theology, Vol. 2, Pages 97-150
1 Peter
The RSJC series on 1 Peter has been collected and made available for download.
09.06.2006 -> 1 Peter 1.1-2
09.12.2006 -> 1 Peter 1.3-5
09.19.2006 -> 1 Peter 1.6-9
09.26.2006 -> 1 Peter 1.10-12
10.03.2006 -> 1 Peter 1.13-16
10.10.2006 -> 1 Peter 1.17-22
10.17.2006 -> 1 Peter 1.23-25
01.02.2007 -> 1 Peter 2.1-5
01.29.2007 -> 1 Peter 2.6-8
02.19.2007 -> 1 Peter 2.9-10
04.02.2007 -> 1 Peter 2.11-12
04.18.2007 -> 1 Peter 2.13-16
07.25.2007 -> 1 Peter 2.17
08.01.2007 -> 1 Peter 2.18-20
08.08.2007 -> 1 Peter 2.21-23
08.15.2007 -> 1 Peter 2.24-25
08.22.2007 -> 1 Peter 3.1-4
10.24.2007 -> 1 Peter 3.5-7
01.09.2008 -> 1 Peter 3.8-9
07.21.2008 -> 1 Peter 3.10-15
07.30.2008 -> 1 Peter 3.15-18
08.06.2008 -> 1 Peter 3.19-22
08.13.2008 -> 1 Peter 4.1-5
08.20.2008 -> 1 Peter 4.6-11
08.26.2008 -> 1 Peter 4.12-7
09.02.2008 -> 1 Peter 4.17-9
09.09.2008 -> 1 Peter 5.1-4
11.04.2008 -> 1 Peter 5.5-7
11.18.2008 -> 1 Peter 5.8-11
12.02.2008 -> 1 Peter 5.12-14
The RSJC series on Malachi has been collected and made available for download.
06.28.2011 -> Preface & Malachi 1.1.-6
07.08.2011 -> Malachi 1.2-6
03.07.2013 -> Malachi 1.6-10
07.29.2014 -> Malachi 1.11-14
09.12.2014 -> Malachi 1.14–2.5
10.13.2014 -> Malachi 2.6–9
11.12.2014 -> Malachi 2:9–12
12.16.2014 -> Malachi 2:13–16
05.26.2015 -> Malachi 2.17–3.3
10.06.2015 -> Malachi 3:4–8
10.26.2015 -> Malachi 3.9-15
01.04.2016 -> Malachi 3.15-17
02.02.2016 -> Malachi 3.18-4.2
03.14.2016 -> Malachi 4.3–6
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By Matl (own work (photography)) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons |
Read + Reflect: 28 Days with Martin (Young)
This series comprises a day-by-day set of readings and reflection prompts drawn from the writings and life of Martin Luther King Jr., posted during the month of February, 2023.- Installment #1 (2023.01.30)
- Installment #2 (2023.02.05)
- Installment #3 (2023.02.12)
- Installment #4 (2023.02.19)
- Installment #5 (2023.02.26)
Paul’s Letter to the Galatians: A Presbyterian Adult Spiritual Formation Series
This is an edited transcript from an adult spiritual formation group that met at St. Charles Presbyterian Church in St. Charles, Missouri. It was transcribed and edited with the help of a student worker at Lindenwood University who wishes to remain anonymous, but who was also a big help.- §1 Approaching Galatians (session 1, part 1) (2023.01.13)
- §1 Approaching Galatians (session 1, part 2) (2023.01.21)
- §1 Approaching Galatians (session 2, part 1) (2023.01.26)
- §1 Approaching Galatians (session 2, part 2) (2023.01.28)
- §1 Approaching Galatians (session 3, part 1) (2023.02.05)
- §1 Approaching Galatians (session 3, part 2) (2023.07.05)
- §1 Approaching Galatians (session 4, part 1) (2023.08.26)
- §1 Approaching Galatians (session 4, part 2) (2024.12.08)
- §2 Introduction & Salutation, 1:1-5 (session 5, part 1) (2025.01.19)
Karl Barth's Göttingen Dogmatics
This podcast series takes a §-by-§ look at Barth's first dogmatics cycle.- Introduction (2019.07.18)
- §1: The Word of God as the Problem of Dogmatics (2019.08.13)
- §2: Preaching as the Starting Point and Goal of Dogmatics (2020.01.13)
- §3: Deus Dixit (“God has spoken”) (2020.05.26)
- §4: Man and His Question (2021.01.26)
Scots Confession, History & Theology
This podcast series provides a fairly thorough discussion of the Scots Confession's history and theology targeted (hopefully, effectively so) at the generally educated churchgoer.#Refo500atDET (multiple contributors)
10.30.2017 –> #Refo500atDET: Introduction & Schedule10.31.2017 –> Reformation Women (part 1: wives)
11.01.2017 –> Reformation Women (part 2: writers)
11.02.2017 –> Martin Luther, Reformation, and Justification
11.03.2017 –> Ad Fontes: Tyndale and the English Reformation
11.06.2017 –> Martin Bucer: The Reformation’s Referee
11.07.2017 –> Thomas Cranmer: Know When to Hold 'Em, Know When to Fold 'Em
11.08.2017 –> Reformer Roundup (Zwingli, Melanchthon, Vermigli)
11.09.2017 –> Reckoning with John Calvin’s Brain
11.10.2017 –> Calvin as Luther’s Disciple
Eschatological Buessness (Nathan Hitchcock)
01.13.2015 -> Introduction01.20.2015 -> Remitting Debts
01.27.2015 -> Raising Bodies
02.03.2015 -> Recreating the Earth
Jesus and the Kingdom: Three Paradigms (Jackson)
10.06.2014 -> Introduction10.15.2014 -> Paradigm 1. Jesus as the proclaimer of the kingdom
11.07.2014 -> Paradigm 2. Jesus is the bringer of the kingdom
12.18.2014 -> Paradigm 3. Jesus himself incarnates the kingdom in person
Rauschenbusch and the "Kingdom of Evil" (Jackson)
03.31.2014 -> Introduction05.05.2014 -> Dorrien on the Social Gospel
05.29.2014 -> Rorty Weighs In
07.14.2014 -> Apocalypse Never
07.22.2014 -> A Friendly Critique from Hauerwas
08.20.2014 -> Toward a Metaphysics of Solidarity
Baptism and the Church in North Africa: A Study in the History of Doctrine (McMaken)
05.17.2011 -> Introduction / Polemical Horizon05.19.2011 -> Cyprian and the Novatians (1)
05.23.2011 -> Cyprian and the Novatians (2)
05.25.2011 -> Augustine and the Donatists (1)
05.28.2011 -> Augustine and the Donatists (2)
Helmut Gollwitzer on Theology's Engagement with Marxist Criticism of Religion (McMaken)
Now available as a .pdf.
04.26.2011 -> Part One
04.27.2011 -> Part Two
04.28.2011 -> Part Three
04.29.2011 -> Part Four
05.02.2011 -> Part Five
05.03.2011 -> Part Six
05.04.2011 -> Part Seven
05.06.2011 -> Part Eight
Paul Tillich: Six Theses (McMaken)
These theses cover Tillich's Systematic Theology volume 3, pp. 1- -> Thesis 1
05.14.2009 -> Thesis 2
05.19.2009 -> Thesis 3
05.21.2009 -> Thesis 4
05.26.2009 -> Thesis 5
05.28.2009 -> Thesis 6
Yves Congar on Church and Eucharist (McMaken)
02.18.2008 -> Part 1 - Introduction02.25.2008 -> Part 2 - Word and Spirit in Trinity and Christology
03.12.2008 -> Part 3 - Word and Spirit in Ecclesiology
03.31.2008 -> Part 4 - Word and Spirit in the Eucharist
04.07.2008 -> Part 5 - Critical Engagement
Francis Turretin's Ecclesiology (McMaken)
02.05.2007 -> Introduction04.05.2016 -> 18.1 - Does church or doctrine come first?
02.15.2007 -> 18.2 - The word “church”
03.05.2007 -> 18.3 - Members of the church
09.19.2016 -> 18.4 - Different ways of being in the church
04.09.2007 -> 18.5 - Unity of the church
05.02.2007 -> 18.6 - Catholicity of the church
11.28.2016 -> 18.7 - Invisibility of the hurch
05.09.2007 -> 18.8 - Indefectibility of the church
02.01.2017 -> 18.9 - Is the church always glorious?
05.18.2007 -> 18.10 - Where was the church before the reformation?
02.21.2017 -> 18.11 - The Infallibility of the Church
05.23.2007 -> 18.12 - Scripture as the mark of the church
03.14.2017 -> 18.13 - Against false marks of the church
06.01.2007 -> 18.14 - Is the Roman church a true church?
08.20.2007 -> 18.15 - Reformed churches are true churches?
05.03.2017 -> 18.16 - The Government of the Church
05.30.2017 -> 18.17 - The Primacy of Peter
09.20.2017 -> 18.18 - Peter and Rome
10.04.2017 -> 18.19 - Primacy of the Pope
08.28.2007 -> 18.21 - Distinction between bishop and presbyter
Wolfhart Pannenberg Mini-Series (McMaken)
10.29.2007 -> Introduction to Systematic Theology, Chapter 111.05.2007 -> Introduction to Systematic Theology, Chapter 2
11.12.2007 -> Introduction to Systematic Theology, Chapter 3
11.19.2007 -> Introduction to Systematic Theology, Chapter 4
Paul Tillich Mini-Series (McMaken)
08.13.2006 -> Systematic Theology, Vol. 1, Pages vii-viii, 3-34, 59-6608.18.2006 -> Systematic Theology, Vol. 1, 106-137
08.30.2006 -> Systematic Theology, Vol. 2, Pages 97-150
Reading Scripture with John Calvin (McMaken)
1 Peter
The RSJC series on 1 Peter has been collected and made available for download.
09.06.2006 -> 1 Peter 1.1-2
09.12.2006 -> 1 Peter 1.3-5
09.19.2006 -> 1 Peter 1.6-9
09.26.2006 -> 1 Peter 1.10-12
10.03.2006 -> 1 Peter 1.13-16
10.10.2006 -> 1 Peter 1.17-22
10.17.2006 -> 1 Peter 1.23-25
01.02.2007 -> 1 Peter 2.1-5
01.29.2007 -> 1 Peter 2.6-8
02.19.2007 -> 1 Peter 2.9-10
04.02.2007 -> 1 Peter 2.11-12
04.18.2007 -> 1 Peter 2.13-16
07.25.2007 -> 1 Peter 2.17
08.01.2007 -> 1 Peter 2.18-20
08.08.2007 -> 1 Peter 2.21-23
08.15.2007 -> 1 Peter 2.24-25
08.22.2007 -> 1 Peter 3.1-4
10.24.2007 -> 1 Peter 3.5-7
01.09.2008 -> 1 Peter 3.8-9
07.21.2008 -> 1 Peter 3.10-15
07.30.2008 -> 1 Peter 3.15-18
08.06.2008 -> 1 Peter 3.19-22
08.13.2008 -> 1 Peter 4.1-5
08.20.2008 -> 1 Peter 4.6-11
08.26.2008 -> 1 Peter 4.12-7
09.02.2008 -> 1 Peter 4.17-9
09.09.2008 -> 1 Peter 5.1-4
11.04.2008 -> 1 Peter 5.5-7
11.18.2008 -> 1 Peter 5.8-11
12.02.2008 -> 1 Peter 5.12-14
The RSJC series on Malachi has been collected and made available for download.
06.28.2011 -> Preface & Malachi 1.1.-6
07.08.2011 -> Malachi 1.2-6
03.07.2013 -> Malachi 1.6-10
07.29.2014 -> Malachi 1.11-14
09.12.2014 -> Malachi 1.14–2.5
10.13.2014 -> Malachi 2.6–9
11.12.2014 -> Malachi 2:9–12
12.16.2014 -> Malachi 2:13–16
05.26.2015 -> Malachi 2.17–3.3
10.06.2015 -> Malachi 3:4–8
10.26.2015 -> Malachi 3.9-15
01.04.2016 -> Malachi 3.15-17
02.02.2016 -> Malachi 3.18-4.2
03.14.2016 -> Malachi 4.3–6