Gollwitzer Gold: Some recent quotes from Twitter

If you read DET at all, you know that I’m currently working on a book on Helmut Gollwitzer. Because there are so few of Gollwitzer’s works available in English—especially his more politically oriented writings—my book will include translations of a couple short pieces. I’ve been working away dutifully on those translations and, every now and then when one of Golli’s turns of phrase has gotten me excited, I’ve posted some snippets of my translations on Twitter. Since I’ve got complete drafts of my translations now, I figured that I would collect those tweets for you to enjoy here in a centralized location.

Hopefully this will also whet your appetite a bit for that book I mentioned…

Update: I have published a book on Gollwitzer! Click on the title to order your copy: Our God Loves Justice: An Introduction to Helmut Gollwitzer.



Juan C. Torres said…
I want to read him now! What are his best works?
Once my book is out I'll have to do a "So, you want to read..." for him. But I usually tell people to start with his The Way to Life: Sermons in a Time of World Crisis, and from there you can go to his Introduction to Protestant Theology.

If you want recommendations for his German works, let me know.

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