Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

…or, Something to keep you busy over the weekend…

…or, The Past Fortnight in the Theoblogosphere.

It’s been nearly a month since the last link post, to be perfectly honest. A lot has happened. Here’s a quick recap:

Right on the heels of losing John Webster (index of tributes / my tribute post), the theological world suffered the loss of Elisabeth Moltmann Wendel (here’s the piece from the EKD). Does anyone know if there’s a collection of tributes to her out there?

Also, the Karl Barth Conference in Princeton happened this past week, on the topic of Barth’s pneumatology (doctrine of the Holy Spirit) and global Pentecostalism. DET brought you a guest post by J.T. Young on one of the papers, and David Guretzki posted discussions of a number of them as well. Here’s a quick index for those:

Finally, DET’s own senior contributing author, Scott Jackson, had a guest post over at Jason Goroncy’s blog: Theology and Issues of Life and Death: A Review.

And if you’ve made it past all that, here’s what we’ve been up to at DET:

And here’s some reading from around the interwebs:



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