Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

…or, Something to keep you busy over the weekend…

…or, The Past Fortnight in the Theoblogosphere.

We interrupt this DET summer hiatus to bring you a link post! It has been a month and a half since the last link post because, well, we’re on hiatus. But there are two reasons why I decided to pop out of self-imposed obscurity to offer you these links: first, because my link pile grows at the same rate during hiatus as it does when not on hiatus, and the pile is currently huge and in need of reduction; second, because it’s John Calvin’s 508th birthday!!!

So, in addition to the usual list of links from elsewhere on the interwebs, I thought that I would bring you a selection of DET’s posts on Calvin in honor of his birthday. This is your chance to learn quite a lot about him by creating on the screen of your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or even desktop monitor. So, without further ado, here are some…

DET posts on John Calvin:

Before I move on from the list of Calvin posts to links from around the interwebs, I want to highlight a couple other things. First, DET contributor Henry Coates broke hiatus once already with a Pentecost Sunday sermon: Wear Your Red Proudly. Second, David Congdon (who needs no introduction to DET readers) has had an eventful first half of the summer. If you’ve not been following his professional life closely, here’s a Trinity Sunday sermon and a press release that will catch you up. Now, on to the wider world of links!


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