Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

…or, Something to keep you busy over the weekend…

…or, The Past Fortnight in the Theoblogosphere.

*maniacal cackle*

Ok, ok. So it’s been nearly three months since the last link post. One of the things that university professors rarely see is just how much administrative work happens over the summer. Even if things haven’t been as hectic, I’d say that I’ve been pretty much as busy this summer as I was over the past academic year.

Anywho, there has been a trickle of DET – and DET-related – happenings this summer, and this post will catch you up. Does this mean that you can expect an immediate uptick in activity?

I’m not making any promises.

Before we get to the links proper, I want to highlight two things in particular.

First, Kim Fabricius died over the summer. Ben Myers has written a nice reflection on Kim’s life. Kim was like a playfully cranky and ridiculously insightful uncle for my generation of theology bloggers, and I was privileged to meet him once (in company with David Congdon) approximately a decade ago when Ben Myers was briefly in residence there and Kim swung in for a visit while spending time with his mother in New York. I already miss his theological voice.

Second, and much happier, DET’s own JT Young has graduated with his MDiv from Princeton Theological Seminary and has taken on the pastoral ministry at Beaver Memorial United Methodist Church in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. You can read a local newspaper’s write-up on the subject. Congratulations and via con Dios, JT!

Ok, on to the links! Here’s what’s been happening at DET:

And here are some links from around the interwebs:


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