2010 KBBC: Week 2, Outline and Biographical Information

So, we're back for the second week-long session of the 2010 Karl Barth Blog Conference (KBBC). For the full story, be sure to read the 2010 KBBC Welcome and Introduction. Here are the key points:

  1. The overarching theme is ”Karl Barth in Conversation with…”, where the blank is filled by some significant thinker or field. This session puts Barth into conversation with people from other disciplines.
  2. The first session was awesome! Check it out.
  3. The second session starts tomorrow.
  4. We’re making this into a book! Please donate via PayPal, or order a book through our Amazon Associates account (widget in the right side-bar). If you need to buy something from Amazon, just surf over through our widget and we'll get a kickback!

See you all in the comments section, starting again tomorrow!

  • Monday: Barth in Conversation with the Coen Brothers, Jon Coutts (plenary), Brad East (response).
  • Tuesday: Barth in Conversation with Robert Kegan, Blair Bertrand (plenary), Katherine M. Douglass (reponse).
  • Wednesday: Barth in Conversation with Pauline Apocolyptic, Shannon Nicole Smythe (plenary), Andrew Guffey (response).
  • Thursday: Barth in Conversation with Stanley Hauerwas, Halden Doerge (plenary), Ry O. Siggelkow (response).
  • Friday: Barth in Conversation with Kathryn Tanner, Scott Jackson (plenary), David W. Congdon (response).
Biographical Information

Blair Bertrand currently attends Princeton Theological Seminary as a PhD student in Christian Education (Youth Ministry). His real mission in NJ however is to restore his Men’s League hockey team to its former glory (don’t tell the border people). Before moving to the US, Blair served St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (Brampton, ON) as the Associate Minister for Children, Youth and Family and taught at Tyndale University College and Seminary (Toronto, ON). He also blogs.

David W. Congdon is a PhD student in Systematic Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary. His area of research is in modern christology, soteriology, hermeneutics, and theology of culture, with a special emphasis on the work of Barth and Bultmann. He lives in Princeton with his wife and son, and blogs at The Fire and the Rose.

Jon Coutts is currently studying forgiveness in Karl Barth’s ecclesiology at the University of Aberdeen, having moved from Canada where he did a Master’s thesis on G.K. Chesterton at Briercrest Seminary. He blogs at This Side of Sunday.

Halden Doerge is the book review editor for The Other Journal, works in editorial and acquisitions with Wipf and Stock Publishers, and a member of the Church of the Servant King in Portland, Oregon. He blogs at Inhabitatio Dei.

Katherine M. Douglass is a doctoral candidate at Princeton Theological Seminary. She is an ordained minister in the PC(USA) and worked as the Associate Pastor at the American Protestant Church: An International Congregation in Bonn, Germany. She also works as a theological editor for Zondervan Publishing and freelance writer for The Thoughtful Christian.

Brad East is in the final year of his Master of Divinity at the Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Brad is currently doing thesis research on John Howard Yoder and Robert W. Jenson, and after his MDiv plans to earn a PhD in systematic theology. You can find him online at his blog Resident Theology.

Andrew Guffey is a PhD student at the University of Virginia in the Judaism and Christianity in Antiquity program. His research focuses on early Jewish and Christian apocalyptic writings and thought, with particular attention to the imagery of the Book of Revelation.

Scott Jackson is a lay minister, independent scholar and occasional religion teacher who lives in Amherst, Mass. He earned a Master of Theological Studies degree from Emory University and a Ph.D. in theology at the University of Chicago, where he studied with Kathryn Tanner.

Ry O. Siggelkow is an adjunct professor of theology at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota. His current research is focused on the themes of apocalyptic and secularity in the work of John Howard Yoder and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. A member of Faith Mennonite Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Ry blogs on Christian theology at Rain and the Rhinoceros.

Shannon Nicole Smythe is a PhD candidate at Princeton Theological Seminary. Her dissertation explores the contours of Barth’s doctrine of justification, arrived at through his exegesis of Romans, in conversation with Pauline apocalyptic theology.


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