KBBC Session 1 Complete

The first weeklong session of this years Karl Barth Blog Conference is now over – at least in terms of new plenary posts and responses. Discussions are still under way, with fresh comments coming still today on a number of the different posts. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to look back over the week, read what you find interesting, and dive into the comments section. Here is a quick outline with links:

The next weeklong session of the 2010 KBBC will begin with an outline and biographical information on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10. So, clear and mark your calendars, sign up for the RSS feed, join the KBBC Facebook group, and plan on being back here for another week of Barthy fun.

Also, remember that we’re going to be making this year’s KBBC into a book with Wipf&Stock. There are some fees associated with this. You can contribute to the cause by donating through Paypal by following this link or clicking the button on the right sidebar, or by using the book widget in the right sidebar to surf on over to Amazon and buy a book that has been mentioned during this first session. A lot of people have given their time and energy to make this conference possible, and to present it to readers free of charge – why not show them a little support? If every unique visitor to the KBBC this past week had donated 50 cents USD, we’d have more money than we need. As it is, we’re still quite short. So, throw us some spare change – every little bit helps!

See you all on the 10th for another session!


Anonymous said…
Will the final weeklong session begin on the 24th or the 17th of October?
The final session will appear in early November, in between AAR and SBL.
Anonymous said…
RE: publication of essays

If we contribute to the Wipf&Stock fund now, will there be incentives later (discounted purchase price for those who invested in the book's publications)?

How much are the fees, will you inform your readers when the required amount has been received, and how may your readers know the contributions are being used for the publication? What will you do with any excess gifts that come in?
(1) I mentioned in the Welcome and Introduction that any excess funds would be given to an appropriate charity. Current thinking is that they would be donated to the Karl Barth Stiftung.

(2) No incentives are currently planned. However, by going through W&S we ensure an affordable cover price (as opposed to a UK house, whose prices have been excessive the past few years).

(3) The fees are related to typesetting, and therefore the cost will depend on the number of pages to be published. Therefore I cannot say when a sufficient amount has been reached.

(4) Readers have only my reputation to go on in terms of knowing that funds will not be misappropriated. I make no secret of my identity. Furthermore, I am not asking for donations of significant sizes - simply a nominal contribution from those who have enjoied the KBBCs over the past 4 years.

P.S. I'm usually fairly lax about anonymous comments, but it would be a courtesy (to say the least) to include your name when asking such pointed (or, perhaps, hostile) questions.
Bobby Grow said…

I wondered how you were able to afford your Porsche . . . now I understand ;-).
Anonymous said…
Last time I checked, Barth studies is not a particularly lucrative field.

If all the participants gave the modest amount we were asked to give for the book, it would barely cover an Amtrack ticket from New England down to Princeton

I have complete confidence that the organizers are trustworthy.

Scott Jackson

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