
I’ve been reminiscing lately about some of the stuff that I have posted here at DET over the years, so I thought that I would do a flashback post to highlight some of it. Besides, new readers can’t be expected to dig through the archives on their own without any assurance of benefit. Of course, there is the brief list of “Favorite Posts” in the right sidebar, but there are some other good ones buried in DET’s past that aren’t on that list. Here are some of them in chronological order (oldest to newest). I hope you enjoy this walk down memory lane, as well as find some helpful or entertaining thoughts.
  1. Rules for Reading Week - essential reading for PTS students (I like to think so, at least).
  2. Calvin on Theology and Taverns
  3. Theology, Philosophy and ‘Christian’ Philosophy: A Typology
  4. Barth and Piper on the Relation of God’s Love and Glory
  5. Barth’s “Rules for Older People in Relation to Younger”
  6. Types of Theology
  7. Why I Think…Ben Myers Isn’t Quite Right About TF Torrance
  8. What does “Perichoresis” mean?
  9. T.F. Torrance on Barth, Mozart, and Beethoven
  10. Types of Philosophy: A Serious Jest?
  11. Reflections on my Intensive Reading of “Church Dogmatics” 4 in its Entirety


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