Call for Guest Writers

Greetings all,

I really like posting stuff from guest writers. That is one of the great joys of the Karl Barth Blog Conference, and I always jump at the opportunity to publish quality stuff from other writers. For instance, in January I was privileged to post a sermon for Epiphany from Nathan Hitchcock, and series on Calvin’s humanity from Adam Neder.
  • Are you a junior faculty member somewhere and you want to get involved in the theo-blogosphere, but – for whatever reason – you don’t want to manage your own blog? Get in touch with me and let’s see if we can’t publish something from you here are DET.
  • Are you a doctoral student who thinks that some obscure theological figure or topic is really neat, and should be more readily accessible? Get in touch with me and let’s see if we can’t raise their / its profile with a post here at DET.
  • Are you a masters student who wrote a clever paper for a class and wish that others could read it and see how clever it was? Get in touch with me and let’s see if we can’t spread your fame far and wide with a post here at DET.
  • Are you an undergraduate student with questions about some theological topic or figure that you would like to get feedback on from the collective wisdom of the theo-blogosphere? Get in touch with me and we’ll see if we can’t leverage that wisdom through a post here at DET.
  • Are you a pastor or other ecclesial worker who has given some thought to how theology impacts your church or particular form of ministry, and you want to spread the word about what you have discovered? Get in touch with me and we’ll see if we can’t get the word out to some of your colleagues through a post here at DET.
Of course, I do retain the right of selection and the prerogative of editorial freedom. That is, I may not publish what you send me, and I may well edit it (although I’ll try to do so in conversation with you if we’re talking about more than copy editing). But, I would really love to increase the number of guest posts here, so don’t be shy. derevth [at] gmail [dot] com


Anonymous said…
Where does the synthesis lie (from or in) "dogmatic theology" on one hand and on the other hand "practical theology"? This question comes from the context of thinking about theology after Karl Barth.

andrew hagee
Anonymous said…
I understand the dialectic of the question. The problem I have, is when does the "dogmatic" or "systematic" ( or doctrinal thinking) become actualized into the-life-of-the everydayness of the people of God.

I would really like you opinion


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