New Center for Barth Studies Book Review

Sarah Stewart-Kroeker reviews David Guretzki's Karl Barth on the Filioque (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009).

Sarah is a doctoral student here at PTS, and David teaches and administrates at Briercrest in Saskatchewan. He will also be contributing to the published version of the 2010 Karl Barth Blog Conference.


Anonymous said…
Travis, Travis....I'm offended by the spelling of my last name. :)

Seriously, thanks for advertising the review!
Woah! That was all kinds of wrong! Sorry about that - its fixed.
Anonymous said…
Thanks, Travis. Just so you know, the spelling error was actually on the review page itself! I hope you have some pull in seeing that changed as well...

Thanks also to Sarah for her fine review.
Oh my! Even worse! But, now, fixed.

I have better than "pull," I'm a one man operation. ;-)

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