Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

…or, Something to keep you busy over the weekend…

…or, The Past Fortnight in the Theoblogosphere.

Time for another set of links. To begin this time, I would call your attention once more to the little index I posted for David Guretzki’s dispatches from the Princeton Theological Seminary Barth conference, held at the beginning of this past week. There are some related posts in the works from DET contributors that will see the light in due course.

So, on to the links! It will just be one mad grab-bag today…

  • Why not begin on a high note? Kim Fabricius’s doodlings are always worth a read, and here is another instalment. As usual, here is a snippet: “In a dream I asked Jesus, “Will anyone go to hell?” And the Lord replied, “Over my dead body.””
  • Ben Myers posted some links pertaining to the recent Princeton Theological Seminary Romans conference. Apparently you can watch video of many (perhaps all!) of the presentations. I wish I had more time on my hands to do so…
  • While we’re on the topic of “Ben Myers,” Patrik Hagman posted a review of Ben’s book on Rowan Williams. It hardly seems necessary to mention that it is a positive review.
  • Perhaps some of you remember my article in support of #OWS published a few months ago in Unbound. They have another good post on #OWS up at the moment, entitled “Letter to a Seminarian from a Christian Occupier.” Here is an excerpt: “We have to show the world that the Gospel is personally and economically transformative, that we know how to break the bonds of money and build powerful communities of love that inspire people to invest their whole selves in collective projects that nurture the body, spirit, heart, and mind.”
  • David Guretzki, mentioned previous, makes a second appearance on this week’s link list (suddenly I feel like Casey Kasem or something…) with his thoughts On Being a Christian Professor. These reflections were prompted by David’s promotion to full professor, so a big congratulations to Professor Guretzki!
  • Jason Goroncy shares a comic form rendering of the Westminster Confession. I don’t know whether to thank him or curse him…
  • Darren Sumner posted a guide for those interesting in starting to read Barth. Normally this would elicit a more forceful reaction from me, except that Darren often and in very reverential tones genuflects before my own classic post on the subject, So, You Want To Read Karl Barth? If only Darren had stopped there. Instead, however, he went on to disparage my recommendation of Barth’s Evangelical Theology as a starting place. This cannot stand. Expect a full response to that point soon...or, at least, eventualy.
  • Collin Cornell asks some good questions about The Old Testament's "Missional Narrative". I think I have said it before, but Collin’s blog is a solid addition to the theo-blogosphere, and you ought to follow it.
  • Ben Myers lists again with some reflections on the superiority of English vis-à-vis German as far as Christian worship goes.
  • Some of you may have noticed that Brian Leport has been working through John Walton’s The Lost World of Genesis. He ended up doing 19 posts on the subject, and has now indexed them for easy reference. Head over and work through them, or at least skim them.
  • Finally, I leave you with this link to longtime friend of the blog Jason Ingall’s Pentecost sermon, entitled Jesus Sends the Spirit



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