Peter Thompson on the Frankfurt School

I’ve said it before and I’m sure that I’ll said it again at some point, but – if you are not yet regularly reading Peter Thompson’s column in the Guardian, then you are intellectually impoverished. I’ve mentioned Thompson here at DET a number of times, both in link posts and in highlighting a series he did on Marx.

Lately I’ve been recommending that folk read Thompson’s series on the Frankfurt School. So I thought that I would index that material to make it easier for you to access. So, without further ado:

  1. The Frankfurt school, part 1: why did Anders Breivik fear them?
  2. The Frankfurt school, part 2: Negative dialectics
  3. The Frankfurt school, part 3: Dialectic of Enlightenment
  4. The Frankfurt school, part 4: Herbert Marcuse
  5. The Frankfurt school, part 5: Walter Benjamin, fascism and the future
  6. The Frankfurt school, part 6: Ernst Bloch and the Principle of Hope
  7. The Frankfurt school, part 7: what's left?
  8. The Frankfurt school, part 8: where do we go from here?


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