My Most Recent Publication: “The Sign of the Gospel: Toward an Evangelical Doctrine of Infant Baptism after Karl Barth”

This is the big one, folks. Devoted readers will be aware that I defended my doctoral dissertation back in December of 2011. Shortly thereafter I posted the dissertation’s abstract as a way to let folk in on the work.

It has been a considerable process since then, replete with multiple trips through the ms for editing purposes, creating an index, expanding various points, etc. But now the end is in view. And in approximately two months, gentle readers, the work can be in your hands.

The good folks at Fortress offered me a contract as part of their (thus far very successful) attempt to revitalize their catalog with an influx of constructive theological scholarship. Specifically, Mike Gibson was instrumental here. So many thanks to him and to all the others who have been part of the process.

In any case, I invite you to surf over and pre-order the book, so that you can be sure to be among the first to read what will no doubt be a breathtakingly deep and original work (*coughs).

W. Travis McMaken, The Sign of the Gospel: Toward an Evangelical Doctrine of Infant Baptism after Karl Barth (Fortress Academic, 2013)

And, yes, you can expect quite a few more posts about this in the coming months... What's the point of having a blog if you can't engage in some shameless self-promotion?



Derek Maris said…
This is awesome, congratulations!

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