Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

…or, Something to keep you busy over the weekend…

…or, The Past Fortnight in the Theoblogosphere.

Hey – it’s actually been a fortnight since the last link post!

Be sure to check out that post, if you haven’t already, because it has a number of updates from the DET summer hiatus.

Anyway, we’re back up and running at full steam here at DET. Most recently, you’ve been introduced to two new members of our contributing author team: Alex DeMarco and JT Young (links to their introductory posts below). I’ve very excited to be bringing on some new blood, and you can expect some good, thought provoking posts from them in the comings months.

Also, Lauren Larkin provided a shout-out in this post on feminism

Now, without any further ado, on to the links!

Here’s the recent stuff from DET:

And here’s stuff you should know about from elsewhere:


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