Meanwhile, back at the ranch… (April 27, 2019 ed)

…or, Something to keep you busy over the weekend…

…or, The Past Fortnight in the Theoblogosphere.

I should really just drop that “fortnight” line at this point. The last link post was back in February.

In any case, it is time once again to emerge from hiding and offer an installment of the best curated religion, theology, politics, higher education, and current events link list on the web. Now is the time to catch up on anything you missed here at DET and elsewhere.

The main thing that I’ve been working on, gentle readers, it trying to turn you into gentle listeners. That’s right, I’ve started a podcast - The McKrakenCast - as a complement to DET and my YouTube channel. I’ve been migrating YouTube content over in the podcast form, and I’ve just about caught up. There is a post linked below that collects some of that material for you (and that explains where the name came from), and I’ll throw up another post when that process is done. There will then be fresh content across the podcast and YouTube channels, as well as unique content in each medium as I have the opportunity to produce it. Be sure to subscribe to your favorite media.

The McKrakenCast is also available on Spotify and through iTunes / Apple Podcasts.

Speaking of podcasts, click here for my recent appearance on the Theology & Socialism podcast, and here for David Congdon’s and my recent appearance on the Homebrewed Christianity podcast.

DET’s own Scott Jackson published a book review for the Center for Barth studies on the Westminster Handbook to Karl Barth.

Finally, Sabrina Peters said some nice things and shared some good quotes from my book on Helmut Gollwitzer, Our God Loves Justice (#OGLJ).

Here are the recent posts from DET:

And now, links from around the interwebs.


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