KBBC Index

This page provides an index for the Karl Barth Blog Conference (KBBC), hosted here at DET.


Karl Barth Blog Conference (2010)

Session 1
  1. Outline and Contributor Biographies
  2. Barth and Schleiermacher, Matt Bruce (plenary), Matthias Gockel (response).
  3. Barth and Bavinck, Andrew Esqueda (plenary), Joel Esala (reponse).
  4. Barth and Bonhoeffer, Matt Puffer (plenary), Andy Rowell (response).
  5. Barth and Tillich, Derek Maris (plenary), Tripp Fuller (response).
  6. Barth and Jenson, Peter Kline (plenary), Will Barnett (response).
Session 2
  1. Outline and Contributor Biographies
  2. Barth and the Coen Brothers, Jon Coutts (plenary), Brad East (response).
  3. Barth and Kegan, Blair Bertrand (plenary), Katherine Douglass (reponse).
  4. Barth and Pauline Apocalyptic, Shannon Nicole Smythe (plenary), Andrew Guffey (response).
  5. Barth and Hauerwas, Halden Doerge (plenary), Ry Siggelkow (response).
  6. Barth and Tanner, Scott Jackson (plenary), David Congdon (response).
Session 3
  1. Outline and Contributor Biographies
  2. Barth, Milbank and Žižek on the Atonement, Paul Dafydd Jones (plenary), Adam Kotsko (response).
  3. Barth and Badiou, Michael Jimenez (plenary), Geoffrey Holsclaw (reponse).
  4. Barth and David Bentley Hart, Keith Starkenburg (plenary), Han-luen Kantzer Komline (response).
  5. Barth and Taubes, Benjamin Myers (plenary), Derek Alan Woodard-Lehman (response).

Karl Barth Blog Conference (2009)

  1. Introduction, by Travis McMaken
  2. Day 1: “Calvin and Barth Sitting in a Tree: EX-E-GE-T-I-N-G” by Travis McMaken; response by Jason T. Ingalls.
  3. Day 2: “St. Paul and the Possibility of Natural Knowledge of God in Romans 1” by Shane Wilkins; response by Lynn Cohick.
  4. Day 3: “The No-God and God’s No: Barth’s Exegesis of Romans 1 in Romans II by David W. Congdon; response by Halden Doerge.
  5. Day 4: “Defending Barth’s Commitment to ‘Let Paul Speak for Himself’: Romans 1 and Paul’s Rejection of the Possibility of Natural Knowledge of God” by Shannon Nicole Smythe; response by Kevin Davis.
  6. Day 5: “Reading Romans 1.3-4 Axiomatically: Karl Barth’s Resurrection Exegesis” by Nathan Hitchcock; response by John Drury.
  7. Conclusion and Table of Contents, by Travis McMaken

Karl Barth Blog Conference (2008)

  1. Welcome to the Second Annual Karl Barth Blog Conference (2008)
  2. Introduction: The Impossible Possibility? Philosophy and Theology in the Work of Eberhard Jüngel, by Jon Mackenzie.
  3. “The Passion of God” - Some Questions for Jüngel on Divine Passibility, by Scott Jackson. Response by Matthew J. Aragon Bruce.
  4. A Still Greater Historicity: Hegel, Jüngel, and the Historicization of God's Being, by Halden Doerge. Response by Adam McInturf.
  5. Vestigia Trinitatis: More than a Hermeneutical Problem, by Jason T. Ingalls. Response by Shane Wilkins.
  6. Beyond Foundations: An exploration of the ‘transfoundational’ methodology of Karl Barth., by Jon Mackenzie. Response by Chris TerryNelson.
  7. Demythologizing the Divide between Barth and Bultmann, by David W. Congdon. Response by Sergi Avilés.
  8. Conclusion and Table of Contents

Karl Barth Blog Conference (2007)

  1. Introduction - WTM
  2. Introduction (2) - WTM
  3. Rousseau - Michael J. Pailthorpe
  4. Lessing - Chris TerryNelson
  5. Kant - Shane Wilkins
  6. Herder - WTM
  7. Hegel - David Congdon
  8. Schleiermacher - WTM
  9. Baur - Andrew Guffey
  10. Feuerbach - Daryl Ellis
  11. Strauss - Andrew Guffey
  12. Ritschl - Jason Ingalls
  13. Concluding Remarks and Index - Ben Myers


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