Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

…or, Something to keep you busy over the weekend…

…or, What's Been Going On in the Theoblogosphere.

I've meant to write one of these posts for a while, but I've been interminably busy. That hasn't changed, but my notes for this post have piled up to the point where I either need to write the thing or give up on it. So I'm writing it.

What's New at DET?

As regular readers know, DET has gone through something of a format change this calendar year. Starting in January, DET officially became a multi-author blog. There was an official announcement post outlining the change, which included a visual redesign, and then each of the contributors wrote a post introducing themselves. Those introductory posts have now been linked in to the Contributing Authors page, which also provides more streamlined biographical information. I've said it a number of times, but I'll say it again - I'm very excited about this change, and I believe that DET's new contributors have already added valuable new perspective and direction to the blog. For instance, consider the recent posts on Pannenberg and
Berchtold Haller.

For my own part, this year has already seen a number of significant posts. For instance: my dissertation abstract, an open letter to Christianity Today that David Congdoon and I wrote together, an a post announcing the publication of my article entitled "Why I Support #OWS as a Reformed Theologian."

Book Spotlight

I also want to draw attention to the book recently published by my doktorvater: George Hunsinger (ed), Thy Word is Truth: Barth on Scripture (Eerdmans, 2010). This volume comprises the proceedings from one of the Barth Conferences held in Princeton (I want to say that it's the one from 2006, but don't hold me to that). I was in attendance and heard some solid contributions, so I'm excited that the volume has finally made it into print. I'm sure I'll end up posting snippets from or reflections on this volume in the future. Speaking of which, here is a post about the volume from the Eerdmans blog, including a nice excerpt and the table of contents.

What's Going On Elsewhere?

These posts are sort of like "State of the Theoblogosphere" statements, and I'm pleased to stand before you today (go with me here...) and tell you that the state of our theoblogosphere is strong!

For instance, we've seen some good stuff from the folks at the Aberdeen-based collaborative blog, Out of Bounds. Specifically, late January and early February saw a trio of really solid post on Barth over there. Darren Sumner kicked things off with a lengthy and insightful post (which generated considerable comment) entitled, "Revelation and History: Cornelius Van Til’s Critique of Karl Barth." Questions of theological ontology quickly surfaced, and Darren spun off a comment on that subject from David Congdon into its own post: "Actualism: Discussion On Barth and Theological Ontology." Darren then followed up with a post on Barth and the confessional nature of theology: "Barth on the Relative Authority of the Church."

Elsewhere, Collin Cornell (who just provided a guest post here at DET on Thursday, covering an Old Testament lecture at PTS) has been working through (Swiss Reformed Old Testament scholar) Otto Bächli's Das Alte Testament in der Kirchlichen Dogmatik von Karl Barth. Collin has provided two sets of chapter summaries(perhaps there are more forthcoming?)- chapters 1-5, chapters 6-7 - as well as a set of more generalized reflections on the undertaking.

Finally, Unbound (the same place I published my piece on #OWS) published a reflection from PTS professor, missiologist, and translator extraordinaire - Darrell Guder - on Evangelism and Justice." The teaser line reads: "Con­sid­er­ing what it might take to merge the pri­or­i­ties of evan­ge­lism and social jus­tice into one mis­sional con­vic­tion that embod­ies them both." Go read it.

Whew! I now feel wonderfully unburdened. It's always nice to cross something off the list. Productive procrastination - that's what it's all about!

So, until next time...



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