Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

…or, Something to keep you busy over the weekend…

…or, The Past Fortnight in the Theoblogosphere.

Well, not exactly “fortnight” – my last link roundup post was three weeks ago. But close enough. Here’s some highlights of what’s been going on.

New Karl Barth Website

As you may have heard, there is a new Barth website in town: This site was developed by one of Karl’s descendants and offers a number of interesting picture galleries and video introductions to Barth and his work. One of DET’s contributors, Kait Dugan, features on a number of the site’s videos.

Princeton Theological Seminary

Two interesting tidbits out of Princeton recently:

First, the library has launched Theological Commons, a digital text service. There’s some really interesting stuff accessible through this service, which contains over 50,000 titles. Darren Sumner posted about this earlier, highlighting some interesting pieces.

Second, registration for May’s Barth conference at PTS is now open, and if you follow that link you will also find a list of conference speakers. Unfortunately, yours truly will not be in attendance this year, but there are more than enough interesting speakers lined up to make up for even so serious a deficiency as that (*removes tongue from cheek).


Closer to home, there are two recent DET posts that I want to highlight:

First, Collin Cornell provided a guest post on the 2012 Alexander Thompson Lecture at PTS. More on Collin shortly.

Second, Derek Maris continues his exploratory blogging about Wolfhart Pannenberg, this time focusing on Pannenberg on God and ontology. There is some discussion going on in the comments thread, so head over and be a part.


So, back to Collin Cornell. He has been doing some very good and interesting work recently at his blog, Kaleidobible. I mentioned a number of posts from him in my last link roundup. Two more posts deserve mention:

First, he gives us some more material from the Bächli book that he has been working through. This time, the post has to do with Karl Barth and the canon of scripture. Collin very kindly opens the post with some summary bullet-points, before going on to a further engagement.

Second, Collin posted a paean to Lesslie Newbigin that is worth your time.

Inhabitatio Dei

Halden Doerge makes a splash from semi-retirement with a pair of solid posts this month:

First, he reflects on a certain hardening of the theological arteries in response to some contemporary ecclesiological rethinking that he and others have undertaken. Would it be bad form to suggest that my dissertation does some work in sorting out the sort of relation between divine and human agency that Halden advocates in contesting such hardening of “church practice” ecclesiologies?

Second, just yesterday he posted what he calls A Sermonic Midrash on Ephesians 2:1-10. It is an exercise in exegetical / homiletical paraphrase that highlights some important things in that text.


Truth-Out had a couple articles worth reading lately.

First, they have a piece worth reading on how fundamentalist psychology plays into certain political impulses, especially those focused on proselytization.

Second, did you know that Occupy Wall Street (#OWS) is back? Perhaps you remember my previous posts… In any case, here is some coverage from earlier in the month on the police reaction, although more has happened since then.


Jon Coutts as an interesting post on Karl Barth and gender roles in the church. He looks at some of the records from Barth’s time as pastor in Safenwil.

Adam Nigh asks, Did Jesus’ death satisfy God’s wrath?

Jason Ingalls offers some very interesting thoughts on how Skype helps us understand Christ’s presence in the Supper.

Nathan Maddox posted his sermon entitled, The Life-Giving God and the Death-Dealing Prophet.

The Women in Theology blog has a letter written by one of its contributors (Erin Kidd) to the about-to-start-phd-studies version of herself. It gives some good advice, so check it out if you’re in a similar position.



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